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    Resources Translator


Translation result
Ceniza ceniza, fresno, incinera Ash

ash verbo

1. Convert into ashes.

The fire raged for hours, eventually ashing the wooden chair frame to a pile of smoldering embers. El fuego ardió durante horas, finalmente redujo el marco de silla de madera a una pila de ascuas humeantes.

ash sustantivo

1. The residue that remains when something is burned.

The fireplace was filled with ash from last night's bonfire, and we had to sweep it out before starting a new fire. La chimenea estaba llena de cenizas del fuego de última noche y teníamos que barrerla antes de encender un nuevo fuego.

2. Any of various deciduous pinnate-leaved ornamental or timber trees of the genus fraxinus.

The beautiful ash tree in our backyard provides shade and beauty to our garden. El hermoso árbol de fresno en nuestro jardín trasero brinda sombra y belleza a nuestro jardín.

3. Strong elastic wood of any of various ash trees.

The carpenter carefully selected a piece of ash for building the frame of the chair, admiring its natural grain and durability. El carpintero seleccionó con cuidado un trozo de árbol de fresno para construir el marco de la silla, admirando su grana natural y durabilidad.