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It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.

Translation result
Se ha dicho que el hombre es un animal racional. Toda mi vida he buscado pruebas que lo avalen. It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.

man noun

1. An adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman).

The man in the suit walked into the room, greeting everyone with a firm handshake. El hombre con traje entró en la habitación, saludando a todos con un apretón de mano firme.

2. Someone who serves in the armed forces.

The man stood proudly at attention during the military parade, his uniform gleaming with medals and ribbons. El hombre se paró con orgullo en posición de firmes durante la desfile militar, su uniforme brillando con medallas y cintas.

3. The generic use of the word to refer to any human being.

The man who walked into the coffee shop was struggling to make ends meet, but he always had a kind smile on his face. El hombre que entró en el café era difícil de mantenerse, pero siempre tenía una sonrisa amable en su rostro.

4. Any living or extinct member of the family hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage.

The museum displayed a fossilized man from the early Stone Age, showcasing the evolution of human species over millions of years. El museo exhibió un hombre fosilizado de la Edad del Hombre temprana, muestra el evolución de las especies humanas durante millones de años.

5. A male subordinate.

The CEO addressed his team of men, including the man who had been working on the project for months. El CEO se dirigió a su equipo de hombres, incluyendo al hombre que había estado trabajando en el proyecto durante meses.

6. An adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent).

The brave firefighter was hailed as a true man after he rescued a family from a burning building, earning him the respect of his colleagues. El valiente bombero fue aclamado como un verdadero hombre después de que rescató a una familia de un edificio en llamas, lo que le granjeó el respeto de sus compañeros.

7. A manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer.

The wealthy businessman was accustomed to having his loyal man, James, by his side at all times, ensuring that every need was met and every whim was catered to. El empresario acaudalado estaba acostumbrado a tener su leal hombre, James, siempre al lado, asegurándose de que todas sus necesidades fueran satisfechas y todos sus caprichos fueran atendidos.

8. A male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman.

As she walked down the aisle, her eyes locked onto her man's smiling face, filled with love and adoration for her. Mientras caminaba por el pasillo, sus ojos se fijaron en la sonriente cara de su hombre, llena de amor y adoración hacia ella.

9. One of the british isles in the irish sea.

The Isle of Man is a popular destination for cyclists, with its scenic routes and challenging hills. La Isla de Man es un destino popular para ciclistas, con sus rutas paisajistas y colinas desafiantes.

10. Game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games.

The Monopoly man was passed from player to player, with each person trying to acquire properties and accumulate wealth. El hombre de la Monopolía fue pasado de jugador a jugador, con cada persona intentando adquirir propiedades y acumular riqueza.

11. All of the living human inhabitants of the earth.

The United Nations estimates that there are over 7.9 billion men on Earth, highlighting the importance of sustainable development for all. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas estima que hay más de 7,9 mil millones de hombres en la Tierra, lo que destaca la importancia del desarrollo sostenible para todos.

rational adjetivo

1. Consistent with or based on or using reason.

The scientist's rational approach to solving the problem led him to discover a new solution that had been overlooked by others. El enfoque racional del científico para resolver el problema lo llevó a descubrir una nueva solución que había sido pasada por alto por otros.

2. Of or associated with or requiring the use of the mind.

The rational approach to problem-solving involves breaking down complex issues into manageable parts and analyzing each component carefully. El enfoque racional para abordar problemas implica descomponer asuntos complejos en partes manejables y analizar cada componente con cuidado.

3. Capable of being expressed as a quotient of integers.

The mathematician studied rational numbers and their properties, fascinated by the intricate patterns that emerged from their calculations. El matemático estudió números racionales y sus propiedades, fascinado por los patrones intrincados que surgieron de sus cálculos.

4. Having its source in or being guided by the intellect (as distinguished from experience or emotion).

The rational decision to invest in the stock market was based on careful analysis of the company's financial reports and market trends. La decisión racional de invertir en el mercado de valores se basó en un análisis cuidadoso de los informes financieros de la empresa y las tendencias del mercado.

animal sustantivo

1. A living organism characterized by voluntary movement.

The animal wandered into the farmer's field, causing chaos among his crops. El animal se desvió hacia el campo del granjero, causando caos entre sus cultivos.
At the zoo, visitors marveled at the majestic animals from different parts of the world, including giraffes and lions. En el zoológico, los visitantes se maravillaron ante los animales majestuosos procedentes de diferentes partes del mundo, incluyendo jirafas y leones.
As a responsible pet owner, Sarah ensured her animal received regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations to maintain its health. Como dueña responsable de mascotas, Sara aseguró que su animal recibiera revisiones veterinarias regulares y vacunas para mantener su salud.

life noun

1. A characteristic state or mode of living.

The nomadic lifestyle has been her life for decades, and she wouldn't have it any other way. El estilo de vida nómada ha sido su vida durante décadas y no lo cambiaría por nada del mundo.

2. The experience of being alive.

She reflected on her life and realized that she had accomplished more than she thought possible. Ella reflexionó sobre su vida y se dio cuenta de que había logrado más de lo que pensaba posible.

3. The course of existence of an individual.

She reflected on her life, thinking about all the milestones she had achieved and the challenges she had overcome. Ella reflexionó sobre su vida, pensando en todos los hitos que había alcanzado y los desafíos que había superado.

4. The condition of living or the state of being alive.

After the near-fatal accident, Sarah was grateful for her life and made a conscious effort to appreciate every moment. Después del accidente cerca de mortal, Sarah se sintió agradecida por su vida y hizo un esfuerzo consciente para apreciar cada momento.

5. The period during which something is functional (as between birth and death).

The new smartphone had a limited life before its battery started to drain quickly, requiring frequent recharges. El nuevo teléfono inteligente tenía una vida limitada antes de que su batería empezara a agotarse rápidamente, lo que requería recargas frecuentes.

6. The period between birth and the present time.

After living through a lifetime of ups and downs, she reflected on her life and felt grateful for all the experiences she had. Después de vivir una vida llena de altibos y bajos, ella reflexionó sobre su vida y se sintió agradecida por todos los experiencias que había tenido.

7. The period from the present until death.

After her diagnosis, Sarah began to reevaluate her priorities and make the most of her remaining life, cherishing time with loved ones. Después de su diagnóstico, Sarah comenzó a reevaluar sus prioridades y hacer lo mejor con el resto de su vida, apreciando el tiempo con seres queridos.

8. A living person.

The doctor saved the life of the injured hiker who was trapped on the mountain. El médico salvó la vida del excursionista herido que estaba atrapado en la montaña.

9. Animation and energy in action or expression.

The artist poured her life into every brushstroke, imbuing the painting with an undeniable vitality that seemed to pulse with energy. La artista vertió su vida en cada pincelada, infundiendo la pintura con una vitalidad innegable que parecía latir con energía.

10. Living things collectively.

The diversity of life on Earth is truly remarkable, with millions of species ranging from tiny bacteria to massive blue whales. La diversidad de la vida en la Tierra es verdaderamente impresionante, con millones de especies que van desde bacterias diminutas hasta grandes ballenas azules.

11. The organic phenomenon that distinguishes living organisms from nonliving ones.

The discovery of water on Mars has sparked new hope for finding signs of life beyond our planet. El descubrimiento de agua en Marte ha generado nueva esperanza para encontrar indicios de vida más allá de nuestro planeta.

12. An account of the series of events making up a person's life.

The biographer spent years researching her subject's life, pouring over old letters and diaries to get a comprehensive understanding of her experiences. La biógrafa pasó años investigando la vida de su objeto de estudio, repasando viejos cartas y diarios para obtener una comprensión integral de sus experiencias.

13. A motive for living.

After her diagnosis, she found new purpose in life and dedicated herself to raising awareness about cancer research. Después de su diagnóstico, encontró un nuevo propósito en la vida y se dedicó a concienciar sobre investigación del cáncer.

14. A prison term lasting as long as the prisoner lives.

The doctor told the patient that his new medication would improve the quality of his life. El médico le dijo al paciente que su nueva medicación mejorarla la calidad de su vida.

have verbo

1. Have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense.

She has a beautiful garden with a variety of flowers and trees that she tends to every weekend. Ella tiene un jardín hermoso con una variedad de flores y árboles que atiende cada fin de semana.

2. Have as a feature.

The new smartphone has a sleek design, making it stand out in the market. El nuevo teléfono inteligente tiene un diseño elegante, lo que lo hace destacarse en el mercado.

3. Go through (mental or physical states or experiences).

After a long illness, she has been through a lot of physical therapy to regain her strength and mobility. Después de una larga enfermedad, ha pasado por mucho terapia física para recuperar su fuerza y movilidad.

4. Have ownership or possession of.

She has inherited her grandmother's antique jewelry, which is now on display in her living room. Ella ha heredado el joyería antigua de su abuela, que ahora se exhibe en su sala de estar.

5. Cause to move.

The strong winds had the trees swaying gently in the orchard, causing them to creak and groan under their own weight. Los fuertes vientos tenían los árboles balanceándose suavemente en el huerto, lo que les hacía crujir y gemir bajo su propio peso.

6. Serve oneself to, or consume regularly.

She likes to have a cup of coffee every morning to get her going for the day. Ella le gusta tener un tazón de café cada mañana para despertarse y estar lista para el día.

7. Have a personal or business relationship with someone.

She has been working with John at the same company for five years, and they have developed a strong professional bond. Ella ha estado trabajando con John en la misma empresa durante cinco años y han desarrollado un vínculo profesional fuerte.

8. Organize or be responsible for.

As the project leader, Sarah will have to organize the team and ensure that all tasks are completed on time. Como líder del proyecto, Sarah tendrá que organizar al equipo y asegurarse de que todas las tareas se completan a tiempo.

9. Have left.

After packing her bags, Sarah has left for the airport to catch her flight. Después de empacar sus maletas, Sarah se ha ido al aeropuerto para coger su vuelo.

10. Be confronted with.

The detective had to have the suspicious evidence, which led her straight to the culprit's doorstep. El detective tuvo que tener la evidencia sospechosa, lo que la llevó directamente a la puerta del acusado.

11. Undergo.

The new employee is going to have her first training session today, where she'll learn about company policies and procedures. El nuevo empleado tendrá su primera sesión de capacitación hoy, donde aprenderá sobre políticas y procedimientos de la empresa.

12. Suffer from.

After the accident, she has been having chronic back pain and finds it difficult to perform daily activities. Después del accidente, ella ha estado sufriendo dolor de espalda crónico y encuentra difícil realizar actividades diarias.

13. Cause to do.

The teacher decided to have the students write an essay on their summer vacation, and they spent hours crafting their stories. El profesor decidió que los estudiantes escribieran un ensayo sobre sus vacaciones de verano y pasaron horas construyendo sus historias.

14. Receive willingly something given or offered.

The charity has received many donations from generous donors to help with disaster relief efforts. La caridad ha recibido numerosos donativos de donantes generosos para ayudar con esfuerzos de auxilio en casos de desastre.

15. Get something.

I have finally gotten my hands on the new iPhone that I've been waiting for. Tengo finalmente en mis manos el nuevo iPhone que esperaba.

16. Undergo (as of injuries and illnesses).

After the accident, Sarah had to have surgery to repair her broken leg. Después del accidente, Sarah tuvo que someterse a una cirugía para reparar su pierna rotura.

17. Achieve a point or goal.

After months of hard work, she finally had her dream job offer and was overjoyed. Después de meses de duro trabajo, ella finalmente tuvo la oferta laboral de sus sueños y estaba eufórica.

18. Cause to be born.

The parents had their first child after trying for several years, and they were overjoyed at the arrival of their little one. Los padres tuvieron su primer hijo después de intentarlo durante varios años y se sintieron extremadamente felices al llegar del pequeño".

19. Have sex with.


Pronombre Conjugación
I have.
You have.
He/She/It has.
We have.
You have.
They have.
Conjugación completa.

evidence sustantivo

1. Your basis for belief or disbelief.

The prosecution presented overwhelming evidence that the defendant was at the scene of the crime, leading many jurors to believe him guilty. La fiscalía presentó pruebas abrumadoras de que el acusado estaba en el lugar del crimen, lo que llevó a muchos jurados a creerle culpable.

2. An indication that makes something evident.

The detective collected several pieces of evidence from the crime scene, including a torn piece of fabric and a broken lock, which helped to build a strong case against the suspect. El detective recopiló varios trozos de evidencia del escenario del crimen, incluyendo un pedazo de tela rasgado y una cerradura rota, lo que ayudó a construir un caso fuerte contra el sospechoso.

3. (law) all the means by which any alleged matter of fact whose truth is investigated at judicial trial is established or disproved.

The prosecution presented a wealth of physical evidence, including fingerprints and DNA samples, to prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. La fiscalía presentó una gran cantidad de pruebas físicas, incluyendo huellas dactilares y muestras de ADN, para demostrar la culpabilidad del acusado más allá de cualquier duda razonable.

support verbo

1. Give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to.

The therapist worked tirelessly to support her client through the difficult grieving process, offering words of encouragement and empathy. La terapeuta trabajó incansablemente para apoyar a su cliente a lo largo del difícil proceso de duelo, ofreciendo palabras de aliento y empatía.

2. Support materially or financially.

The non-profit organization has been actively supporting local families in need by providing them with food and shelter. La organización sin fines de lucro ha estado apoyando activamente a las familias locales necesitadas proporcionándoles comida y refugio.

3. Be behind.

The coach will support her star player during the big game, making sure she has everything she needs to succeed. El entrenador apoyará a su jugadora estelar durante el gran partido, asegurándose de que tenga todo lo que necesite para tener éxito.

4. Be the physical support of.

The firefighter supported the injured hiker down the mountain trail, carefully guiding her to safety. El bombero apoyó al escalador herido por el sendero de la montaña, guiándola con cuidado hacia la seguridad.

5. Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts.

The scientist was able to support her theory by presenting additional data that contradicted previous findings. El científico fue capaz de respaldar su teoría presentando datos adicionales que contradijeron hallazgos previos.

6. Adopt as a belief.

After reading about the benefits of meditation, Sarah decided to support the idea of mindfulness in her daily life. Después de leer sobre los beneficios de la meditación, Sarah decidió apoyar la idea de la conciencia plena en su vida diaria.

7. Support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm.

The professor's expert testimony helped to support the theory, making it more plausible and widely accepted by the scientific community. La testimonio del profesor como experto ayudó a respaldar la teoría, lo que la hizo más plausible y ampliamente aceptada por la comunidad científica.

8. Argue or speak in defense of.

The lawyer decided to support her client's alibi by presenting evidence that contradicted the prosecution's claims. El abogado decidió apoyar el testimonio de su cliente presentando pruebas que contradecían las afirmaciones del fiscal.

9. Play a subordinate role to (another performer).

The backing vocalist will support the lead singer during the concert, providing harmonies and adding depth to the overall sound. El vocalista de fondo apoyará al cantante principal durante el concierto, proporcionando armonías y agregando profundidad al sonido en general.

10. Be a regular customer or client of.

The family has been supporting their favorite coffee shop every weekend by buying a fresh cup every Saturday morning. La familia ha estado apoyando su tienda de café favorita todos los fines de semana al comprar un tazón fresco cada mañana del sábado.

11. Put up with something or somebody unpleasant.

Despite her annoying habit of leaving the cap off, Sarah has learned to support her roommate's quirks and live together harmoniously. A pesar de su costumbre fastidiosa de dejar la tapa fuera, Sarah ha aprendido a apoyar los tic de su compañera de cuarto y vivir juntas armoniosamente.


Pronombre Conjugación
I support.
You support.
He/She/It supports.
We support.
You support.
They support.
Conjugación completa.