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    Recursos Traductor

My daughter is going into medicine.

Translation result
Mi hija va a estudiar medicina. My daughter is going into medicine.

daughter noun

1. A female human offspring.

The proud father beamed with joy as he held his newborn daughter in his arms, marveling at her tiny fingers and toes. El padre orgulloso sonrió con alegría mientras sostenía a su recién nacida hija en sus brazos, admirando sus dedos y pies diminutos.
After years of searching, Sarah finally found her long-lost daughter, who had been adopted by another family when she was just a baby. Después de años de búsqueda, Sarah finalmente encontró a su hija perdida hace mucho tiempo, quien había sido adoptada por otra familia cuando era solo un bebé.
At the family reunion, Emma's daughter, who was now grown with kids of her own, helped her mother set up the buffet table and catch up on old times. En la reunión familiar, el hija de Emma, que ya era adulta y tenía hijos propios, ayudó a su madre a montar la mesa de bufé y recopilar noticias del pasado.

medicine sustantivo

1. The branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques.

The doctor specialized in internal medicine and was expertly trained to diagnose and treat various conditions without resorting to surgery. El médico se especializó en medicina interna y recibió una formación experta para diagnosticar y tratar diferentes condiciones sin recurrir a la cirugía.

2. (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease.

The doctor prescribed a new medicine to help manage her patient's chronic pain. El médico prescribió un nuevo medicamento para ayudar a manejar el dolor crónico de su paciente.

3. The learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries.

The doctor spent years studying medicine at one of the top medical schools in the country before specializing in cardiology. El médico pasó años estudiando medicina en uno de los mejores colegios de medicina del país antes de especializarse en cardiología.

4. Punishment for one's actions.

The harsh medicine of poverty and hardship taught John to appreciate the value of a stable job. El medicina áspera de la pobreza y la dura enseñó a John a apreciar el valor de un trabajo estable.