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banana sustantivo

1. Any of several tropical and subtropical treelike herbs of the genus musa having a terminal crown of large entire leaves and usually bearing hanging clusters of elongated fruits.

The banana plantation in Hawaii was renowned for its high-quality fruit, with thousands of plants producing hundreds of pounds of bananas every week. La plantación de plátanos en Hawái era famosa por su fruta de alta calidad, con miles de plantas produciendo cientos de libras de plátanos cada semana.
In many parts of Africa, bananas are a staple food, providing sustenance for entire communities that rely on them as a primary source of nutrition and income. En muchos lugares de África, las bananitas son una comida básica, proporcionando sustento para comunidades enteras que se basan en ellas como fuente primaria de nutrición y ingresos.

2. Elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit with soft sweet flesh.

The monkey in the jungle loved to peel and eat the ripe banana for its creamy texture and sweet flavor. El mono en la selva amaba pelar y comer la banana madura por su textura cremosa y sabor dulce.
At the farmer's market, Emma carefully selected a few bananas from the bunch, taking care not to bruise their delicate skin. En el mercado de agricultores, Emma seleccionó cuidadosamente un par de plátanos del racimo, teniendo mucho cuidado de no manchar su piel delicada.