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    Resources Translator


Translation result
cerebro encéfalo brain

brain verbo

1. Hit on the head.

The coach brained his player with the ball during the game, causing him to stumble and lose his balance. El entrenador golpeó al jugador con la pelota durante el partido, lo que provocó que tropezara y perdiera el equilibrio.

2. Kill by smashing someone's skull.

brain sustantivo

1. That part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers.

The neuroscientist spent years studying the human brain in order to understand its complex functions and behavior. La neuróloga pasó años estudiando el cerebro humano con el fin de comprender sus funciones y comportamiento complejos.

2. Mental ability.

The brain behind the company's innovative products is its young and ambitious CEO, who has a knack for thinking outside the box. La mente detrás de los productos innovadores de la empresa es su joven y ambiciosa CEO, que tiene un talento para pensar fuera de la caja.

3. That which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings.

After a good night's sleep, Sarah felt refreshed and her brain was clear and focused, allowing her to tackle the challenging project at work. Días después de una buena noche de sueño, Sarah se sintió renovada y su cerebro estaba claro y enfocado, lo que le permitió abordar el proyecto desafiante en el trabajo.

4. Someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality.

The CEO is considered a brain in the field of finance, known for his innovative approaches to risk management. El CEO se considera un cerebro en el campo de las finanzas, conocido por sus enfoques innovadores para la gestión de riesgos.

5. The brain of certain animals used as meat.

The chef carefully removed the brains from the sheep's skull before sautéing them in butter and garlic. El cocinero retiró cuidadosamente los sesos del cráneo de la oveja antes de saltearlos en mantequilla y ajo.