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Translation result
puente bridge

bridge verbo

1. Connect or reduce the distance between.

The company is bridging the gap between rural and urban areas by establishing high-speed internet services in remote communities. La empresa está cubriendo la brecha entre áreas rurales y urbanas estableciendo servicios de internet a alta velocidad en comunidades remotas.

2. Make a bridge across.

The engineers worked tirelessly to bridge the gap between the two islands, constructing a sturdy suspension bridge that would withstand fierce storms. Los ingenieros trabajaron incansablemente para salvar el abismo entre las dos islas, construyendo un puente colgante resistente que podría soportar feroz tormenta.

3. Cross over on a bridge.

As we drove across the rickety old bridge, Sarah instructed her kids to hold hands and bridge the gap between the two sides. Mientras cruzábamos el viejo puente quebrado, Sarah instruyó a sus hijos para agarrar las manos y cubrir el vacío entre los dos lados.

bridge sustantivo

1. A structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway etc..

The new suspension bridge over the Grand Canyon was an engineering marvel, allowing tourists to safely cross the vast chasm and take in breathtaking views. El nuevo puente de suspensión sobre el Gran Cañón fue un prodigio de la ingeniería, permitiendo a los turistas cruzar con seguridad el vasto abismo y disfrutar de vistas impresionantes.

2. A circuit consisting of two branches (4 arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a meter is connected.

The electronics engineer carefully constructed the bridge circuit to measure the current flowing through the resistor, ensuring accurate readings on the multimeter. El ingeniero de electrónica construyó con cuidado el circuito de puente para medir la corriente que fluye a través del resistidor, asegurando lecturas precisas en el multímetro.

3. Something resembling a bridge in form or function.

The architect designed a futuristic bridge to connect the two skyscrapers, providing a sleek and modern entrance for visitors. El arquitecto diseñó un puente futurista para conectar los dos rascacielos, proporcionando una entrada elegante y moderna a los visitantes.

4. The hard ridge that forms the upper part of the nose.

After getting hit in the face during the boxing match, John noticed that his bridge was slightly swollen and tender to the touch. Después de recibir un golpe en la cara durante el combate de boxeo, John observó que su puente estaba ligeramente hinchado y tenso al tacto.

5. Any of various card games based on whist for four players.

The group of friends decided to play a game of bridge at the local community center, laughing and chatting as they tried to outbid each other. El grupo de amigos decidió jugar un partido de puente en el centro comunitario local, riendo y charlando mientras intentaban superarse mutuamente.

6. A wooden support that holds the strings up.

The violinist carefully adjusted the bridge on her instrument to ensure perfect pitch and tone. La violinista ajustó cuidadosamente el puente de su instrumento para asegurarse la perfección en la afinación y el tono.

7. A denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth.

After losing several teeth due to decay, John needed to get a bridge fitted to replace them and restore his smile. Después de perder varios dientes debido a la caries, Juan necesitó que se le ajustara un puente para reemplazarlos y restaurar su sonrisa.

8. The link between two lenses.

The optometrist carefully adjusted the bridge of my glasses to ensure a comfortable fit behind my ears. El optometrista ajustó con cuidado la parte superior de mis gafas para asegurarse de un ajuste cómodo detrás de mis orejas.

9. An upper deck where a ship is steered and the captain stands.

As we approached the harbor, I could see the captain standing on the bridge of our cruise ship, scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. Mientras nos acercábamos al puerto, pude ver al capitán parado en la cubierta de nuestro barco de crucero, escudriñando el horizonte en busca de cualquier señal de peligro.