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Translation result
pastel torta, tarta, bizcocho, apelmazar cake

cake verbo

1. Form a coat over.

The bees caked their honeycomb with wax, creating a smooth and protective layer to store their precious nectar. Las abejas cubrieron su colmena con cera, creando una capa lisa y protectora para almacenar su precioso néctar.

cake sustantivo

1. A block of solid substance (such as soap or wax).

The craft store sells blocks of cake soap in various scents and colors, perfect for making decorative soaps. La tienda de manualidades vende bloques de jabón de pastel en diferentes fragancias y colores, ideales para hacer jabones decorativos.

2. Small flat mass of chopped food.

The chef carefully shaped the meat cake onto the platter, garnishing it with fresh herbs for the dinner party. El chef cuidadosamente dio forma al pastel de carne sobre el plato, aderezándolo con hierbas frescas para la fiesta de cenar.

3. Baked goods made from or based on a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and fat.

The bakery displayed an assortment of delicious cakes, including vanilla, chocolate, and red velvet, for customers to choose from. La panadería exhibió una variedad de deliciosos pasteles, incluyendo vainilla, chocolate y tiro, para que los clientes puedan elegir.