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Translation result
pollo gallina chicken

chicken sustantivo

1. The flesh of a chicken used for food.

The recipe called for two pounds of chicken, which was cooked to perfection in a skillet with some olive oil and herbs. La receta pedía dos libras de pollo, que se cocinó al punto en una sartén con aceite de oliva y hierbas.

2. A domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs.

The farmer raised chickens on his farm to produce fresh eggs and meat for local markets. El granjero criaba gallinas en su finca para producir huevos frescos y carne para los mercados locales.

3. A person who lacks confidence, is irresolute and wishy-washy.

John was always a chicken when it came to making big decisions, often changing his mind at the last minute and leaving everyone else frustrated. Juan siempre fue un gallina cuando se trataba de tomar decisiones importantes, a menudo cambiaba su opinión al último momento y dejaba a todos los demás frustrados.

4. A foolhardy competition.

The new startup's chicken against established giants in the industry was doomed from the start. El nuevo startup sufría una desventaja insuperable ante los gigantes establecidos en la industria desde el principio.

chicken adjetivo

1. Easily frightened.

My little sister is such a chicken when it comes to spiders, she can't even look at them without shuddering. Mis hermana pequeña es tan cobarde con las arañas, ni siquiera puede mirarlas sin estremecerse.