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Translation result
iglesia church

church verb

1. Perform a special church rite or service for.

The family decided to church their newborn baby with a traditional baptism ceremony. La familia decidió bautizar a su bebé recién nacido con una ceremonia de bautizo tradicional.

church noun

1. One of the groups of christians who have their own beliefs and forms of worship.

The local church in town has been hosting a weekly prayer meeting for the past decade, attracting people from all over the city. La iglesia local del pueblo ha estado organizando una reunión de oración semanal durante la última década, atraíendo personas desde toda la ciudad.

2. A place for public (especially christian) worship.

The church on Main Street has been a part of the community for over a century, hosting Sunday services and various events throughout the year. La iglesia en la calle Principal ha sido parte de la comunidad durante más de un siglo, acogiendo servicios dominicales y eventos variados a lo largo del año.

3. A service conducted in a house of worship.

The priest led the congregation through a beautiful sermon during Sunday church, celebrating the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. El sacerdote condujo la congregación a través de un hermoso sermón durante la iglesia del domingo, celebrando la vida y enseñanzas de Jesucristo.

4. The body of people who attend or belong to a particular local church.

The church community came together to support the family affected by the recent natural disaster. La comunidad parroquial se unió para apoyar a la familia afectada por el desastre natural reciente.