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Translation result
bacalao dqo cod

cod verb

1. Fool or hoax.

The scam artist tried to cod me into thinking I had won a prize in a contest I never entered. El artista del timo intentó hacerme creer que había ganado un premio en un concurso al que nunca me había inscrito.

2. Harass with persistent criticism or carping.

The strict teacher was accused of codding her students, constantly pointing out their mistakes and never giving them a chance to improve. La profesora estricta fue acusada de amedrentar a sus estudiantes, constantemente señalando errores y nunca les daba oportunidad de mejorar.

cod noun

1. The vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves).

The botanist carefully collected the cod from the mature flower to study its unique structure and development. El botánico recogió con cuidado el coliflora de la flor madura para estudiar su estructura y desarrollo únicos.

2. Lean white flesh of important north atlantic food fish.

The chef expertly filleted the fresh cod, revealing its tender and flaky texture that would make for a delightful dinner. El chefs expertamente desalmó el bacalao fresco, revelando su textura tierna y esponjosa que haría un delicioso almuerzo.

3. Major food fish of arctic and cold-temperate waters.

The cod fishing industry in Iceland is known for its sustainability efforts, as it aims to preserve the delicate balance of the marine ecosystem while providing fresh catches to local markets. La industria pesquera de bacalao en Islandia se conoce por sus esfuerzos de sostenibilidad, ya que busca preservar el delicado equilibrio del ecosistema marino mientras proporciona capturas frescas a los mercados locales.

cod adjective

1. Payable by the recipient on delivery.

The customer received the package with a cod payment option, which meant they would have to pay the driver upon delivery. El cliente recibió el paquete con opción de pago en código, lo que significaba que tendrían que pagar al conductor al recibir la entrega.

cod adverb

1. Collecting the charges upon delivery.

The courier company operates on a cod basis, charging customers only after they've received their packages. La empresa de correos opera bajo un sistema de código, cobrando a los clientes solo después de que hayan recibido sus paquetes.