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1. a beverage consisting of an infusion of ground coffee beans.
She poured herself a steaming cup of coffee and sat down at the table to enjoy her morning ritual. Ella se sirvió un tazón humeante de café y se sentó a la mesa para disfrutar su rituales matutino.
2. any of several small trees and shrubs native to the tropical Old World yielding coffee beans.
The coffee plantation in Brazil is known for its high-quality Arabica beans, which are sought after by specialty roasters around the world. La plantación de café en Brasil es conocida por sus altas calidades de granos de Arabica, que son buscados con ansia por los rotureros especializados en todo el mundo.
3. a seed of the coffee tree.
The coffee farmer carefully selected the ripest coffee seeds from the harvest to plant in the new field. El agricultor de café seleccionó con cuidado las semillas de café más maduras del cosecha para plantar en el nuevo campo.
4. a medium brown to dark-brown color.
The coffee-colored paint on the walls added warmth and coziness to the living room. El pintura de color café en las paredes agregó calor y comodidad al salón de estar.
maker noun
1. a person who makes things.
The artisanal furniture maker in our town is renowned for creating exquisite pieces of handcrafted woodwork. El fabricante de mobiliario artesanal en nuestra localidad es famoso por crear piezas exquisitas de obra de madera tallada a mano.
2. terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God.
The ancient Hebrews believed that their Maker, Yahweh, had chosen them as his special people and given them the Torah as a guide for living. Los antiguos hebreos creyeron que su Creador, Yahvé, los había elegido como su pueblo especial y les había dado la Torá como guía para vivir.
3. a business engaged in manufacturing some product.
The company is a leading maker of smartphones, known for its innovative designs and user-friendly interfaces. La empresa es un fabricante líder de teléfonos inteligentes, conocida por sus diseños innovadores y interfaces amistosas para el usuario.