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    Recursos Traductor


Translation result
maíz elote, choclo, trigo corn

corn verb

1. Feed (cattle) with corn.

The farmer decided to corn his herd of cattle in the nearby field, knowing that it would improve their overall health and productivity. El agricultor decidió granjar su rebaño de ganado en el campo próximo, sabiendo que mejoraría su salud y productividad en general.

2. Preserve with salt.

The chef corned the beef brisket overnight to give it a rich, savory flavor for the next day's dinner. El chef ahumó la pechuga de ternera durante la noche para darle un sabor rico y sabio para la cena del día siguiente.

corn noun

1. Tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in america in many varieties.

The farmer proudly displayed his corn crop, showcasing its vibrant yellow color and plump, juicy kernels. El agricultor exhibió con orgullo su cosecha de maíz, destacando su vibrante color amarillo y sus granos jugosos y gruesos.

2. The dried grains or kernels or corn used as animal feed or ground for meal.

The farmer harvested the corn from the fields and stored it in silos to use as animal feed during the winter months. El granjero cosechó el maíz de los campos y lo almacenó en silos para utilizarlo como alimento para animales durante los meses de invierno.

3. Ears of corn that can be prepared and served for human food.

The farmer harvested the ripe corn from his field and took it to the market to sell it fresh. El agricultor cosechó el maíz maduro de su campo y lo llevó al mercado para venderlo fresco.

4. A hard thickening of the skin (especially on the top or sides of the toes) caused by the pressure of ill-fitting shoes.

After months of wearing high heels without proper padding, Sarah developed a painful corn on the side of her big toe that made it difficult to walk. Después de meses de llevar tacones altos sin relleno adecuado, Sara desarrolló un doloroso callo en el lado del dedo gordo del pie que le hacía difícil caminar.

5. (great britain) any of various cereal plants (especially the dominant crop of the region--wheat in great britain or oats in scotland and ireland).

The Scottish farmer proudly declared that his farm was famous for producing high-quality corn, which was used to make traditional Scottish bread. El granjero escocés se declaró orgullosamente que su granja era famosa por producir maíz de alta calidad, lo que se utilizaba para hacer pan tradicional escocés.

6. Whiskey distilled from a mash of not less than 80 percent corn.

The bartender recommended trying the new batch of corn bourbon, which had been aged for five years and boasted a rich, smooth flavor. El barman recomendó probar la nueva cerveza de maíz bourbon, que había sido envejecida durante cinco años y tenía un sabor rico y suave.

7. Something sentimental or trite.

The romantic comedy was full of corn, with its overused plot twists and sappy dialogue. La comedia romántica estaba llena de guayos, con sus giros argumentales sobrecargados y diálogos empalagosos.