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doctor verbo

1. Alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive.

2. Give medical treatment to.

The paramedic had to doctor the wound with antiseptic and bandages before transporting the patient to the hospital. El paramédico tuvo que medicar la herida con antiséptico y apósitos antes de transportar al paciente al hospital.

3. Restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken.

The mechanic had to doctor the engine to get it running smoothly again after the accident. El mecánico tuvo que ajustar el motor para que funcionara suavemente de nuevo después del accidente.

doctor sustantivo

1. A licensed medical practitioner.

The doctor examined my wound and prescribed antibiotics to prevent infection. El doctor examinó mi herida y me recetó antibióticos para prevenir la infección.

2. (roman catholic church) a title conferred on 33 saints who distinguished themselves through the orthodoxy of their theological teaching.

The Doctor of the Church, Saint Thomas Aquinas, was renowned for his comprehensive and systematic theology that had a profound impact on Catholic doctrine. El Doctor de la Iglesia, San Tomás de Aquino, fue famoso por su teología comprehensiva y sistemática que tuvo un gran impacto en el dogma católico.

3. Children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physician's office.

During recess, Emma's friends gathered around her, declaring her the doctor in their game of make-believe, while she examined them with a toy stethoscope. Durante el recreo, los amigos de Emma se reunieron alrededor de ella, declarándola médica en su juego de hacer creer, mientras que ella los examinaba con un estetoscopio de juguete.

4. A person who holds ph.d. degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution.

The doctor of philosophy in physics from Harvard University has been recognized for her groundbreaking research in quantum mechanics. El doctora de filosofía en física por la Universidad de Harvard ha sido reconocida por su investigación pionera en mecánica cuántica.