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    Recursos Traductor


Translation result
dibujo dibujar, elaboración, atrayendo, sacando, plano, embutición, sorteo drawing

drawing noun

1. An illustration that is drawn by hand and published in a book, magazine, or newspaper.

The children's book featured a beautiful drawing of a dragon on the first page, setting the tone for an imaginative adventure. El libro de niños presentaba un dibujo hermoso de un dragón en la primera página, estableciendo el tono para una aventura imaginativa.

2. A representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines.

The artist spent hours creating a beautiful drawing of the cityscape, capturing every detail of the skyscrapers and streets. El artista pasó horas creando un hermoso dibujo del paisaje urbano, capturando cada detalle de los rascacielos y las calles.

3. The creation of artistic pictures or diagrams.

The artist spent hours on her drawing, carefully shading in every detail to capture the texture and depth of the subject. La artista pasó horas en su dibujo, cuidadosamente sombreando cada detalle para capturar la textura y profundidad del tema.

4. Players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots.

The annual charity raffle held a drawing for a chance to win a brand new car, with tickets selling out quickly online. La subasta anual de beneficencia celebró un sorteo para tener una oportunidad de ganar un coche nuevo en bruto, con los boletos vendidos rápidamente en línea.

5. Act of getting or draining something such as electricity or a liquid from a source.

The engineer began the drawing process by connecting the hose to the well, preparing to extract the contaminated water for further treatment. El ingeniero comenzó el proceso de dibujo conectando el manguera al pozo y preparándose para extraer el agua contaminada para su tratamiento posterior.

6. The act of moving a load by drawing or pulling.

The construction crew used heavy machinery to perform the drawing, carefully extracting the massive concrete beam from its foundation. El equipo de construcción utilizó maquinaria pesada para realizar el dibujo, extraiendo con cuidado el granión de concreto desde su fundación.