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Translation result
pato agacharse, agáchate, patito duck

duck verb

1. To move (the head or body) quickly downwards or away.

As I was walking down the stairs, I had to duck to avoid hitting my head on the low-hanging beam. Mientras bajaba las escaleras, tuve que agacharme para evitar golpearme la cabeza con el viga baja que colgaba.

2. Submerge or plunge suddenly.

The scuba diver had to duck quickly into the water to avoid getting caught in the strong current. El buceador de aguas profundas tuvo que agacharse rápidamente en el agua para evitar quedar atrapado en la fuerte corriente.

3. Dip into a liquid.

The baker had to duck her spatula into the mixture of flour and water to mix it together smoothly. El panadero tuvo que meter su cuchara de madera en la mezcla de harina y agua para mezclarla con suavidad.

4. Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues).

The politician ducked the question about his controversial past by changing the subject and talking about the economy instead. El político evitó la pregunta sobre su pasado controvertido cambiando de tema y hablando en lugar de eso sobre la economía.

duck sustantivo

1. Small wild or domesticated web-footed broad-billed swimming bird usually having a depressed body and short legs.

The pond was home to several ducks that swam peacefully together, their feathers glistening in the sunlight. El estanque era hogar de varias pardelas que nadaban pacíficamente juntas, sus plumas brillando bajo la luz del sol.

2. (cricket) a score of nothing by a batsman.

The opening batsman was dismissed for a duck in the first over, leaving his team struggling to recover. El abridor fue despedido sin marca en el primer sobre, lo que dejó su equipo luchando para recuperarse.

3. Flesh of a duck (domestic or wild).

The chef carefully sliced the duck breast into thin strips before serving it with a tangy orange sauce. El cocinero cortó con cuidado el pechuga de pato en tiras delgadas antes de servirla con una salsa de naranja agria.

4. A heavy cotton fabric of plain weave.

The upholstery on the sofa was made from high-quality duck, giving it a soft and durable texture that withstood years of use. El tapicería del sofá fue hecha de plumas de alta calidad, lo que le dio un texto suave y duradero que resistió años de uso.