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Translation result
caballo yegua horse

horse verbo

1. Provide with a horse or horses.

The wealthy entrepreneur horsed her guests with majestic white stallions, adding to the grandeur of the lavish party. El empresario adinerado llevó a sus invitados montados por majestuosos potros blancos, lo que aumentaba la grandiosidad de la fiesta lujosa.

horse sustantivo

1. Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times.

The horse trotted majestically through the green meadow, its mane flowing in the gentle breeze. El caballo trotó majestuosamente a través el prado verde, su crinaje fluyendo en la brisa suave.

2. A padded gymnastic apparatus on legs.

The gymnast bounced and flipped across the horse, executing a flawless series of tumbling passes during her routine. La gimnasta saltó y se volcó por encima del caballo, ejecutando una serie impecable de pasadas de salto durante su rutina.

3. Troops trained to fight on horseback.

The cavalry, consisting of several hundred horses, charged into battle, their armor shining in the sunlight. La caballería, compuesta por varios cientos de caballos, cargó en batalla, su armadura brillando a la luz del sol.

4. A framework for holding wood that is being sawed.

The horse galloped across the open field, its mane flowing in the wind. El caballo galopó a través el campo abierto, su crin agitada por el viento.

5. A chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse.

The knight on the board was a beautiful horse, its flowing mane and noble profile adding a touch of elegance to the game. El caballero en el tablero era un hermoso caballo, su crinera fluyendo y su perfil nobre añadiendo un toque de elegancia al juego.