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    Resources Translator

king prawns

Translation result
Langostinos king prawns

king sustantivo

1. A male sovereign.

The king of England was known for his wisdom and fairness, earning him the respect of his people. El rey de Inglaterra era conocido por su sabiduría y justicia, lo que le ganó el respeto de su pueblo.

2. A competitor who holds a preeminent position.

In the world of professional poker, Daniel Negreanu is often referred to as the king due to his consistent high finishes and impressive tournament wins. En el mundo del póquer profesional, Daniel Negreanu se le conoce a menudo como el rey debido a sus altas clasificaciones constantes y victorias impresionantes en torneos.

3. A very wealthy or powerful businessman.

The king of tech industry, John Smith, has just acquired his fifth startup company in the past year. El rey de la industria tecnológica, John Smith, ha adquirido recientemente su quinta empresa de inicio en el pasado año.

4. Preeminence in a particular category or group or field.

The chef was known as the king of pastry-making, renowned for his intricate croissant designs and flaky layers. El chef era conocido como el rey de la confitería, famoso por sus intrincadas diseño de croissants y capas crujientes.

5. United states woman tennis player (born in 1943).

At the 1968 Wimbledon Championships, Billie Jean King famously defeated Bobby Riggs in a match that helped to empower women's tennis. En los Campeonatos de Wimbledon de 1968, Billie Jean King famosamente derrotó a Bobby Riggs en un partido que ayudó a empowerment el tenis femenino.

6. United states guitar player and singer of the blues (born in 1925).

At the jazz club, the crowd erupted into applause as B.B. King took the stage, his soulful voice and masterful guitar playing filling the room with the blues. En el club de jazz, la multitud estalló en aplausos cuando B.B. King tomó el escenario, su voz soulful y su habilidosa guitarra llenaron la habitación con el blues.

7. United states charismatic civil rights leader and baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation of blacks (1929-1968).

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s powerful speeches and marches helped galvanize the Civil Rights Movement, leading to significant strides in racial equality during his lifetime. Los poderosos discursos y marchas del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ayudaron a galvanizar el Movimiento de los Derechos Civiles, lo que llevó a importantes avances en la igualdad racial durante su vida.

8. A checker that has been moved to the opponent's first row where it is promoted to a piece that is free to move either forward or backward.

After reaching the edge of the board, the pawn was transformed into a king, allowing it to move freely in both directions. Después de llegar al borde del tablero, el peón se transformó en rey, lo que le permitió moverse libremente en ambas direcciones.

9. One of the four playing cards in a deck bearing the picture of a king.

In his poker game, John's hand included the heart king and the diamond queen, giving him a strong chance of winning. Ella mano de póker de John incluía el rey de corazones y la reina de diamantes, lo que le daba una buena oportunidad de ganar.

10. (chess) the weakest but the most important piece.

In the game of chess, the king is considered the most vital piece on the board, despite being the weakest in terms of movement and defense. En el juego del ajedrez, la reina se considera la pieza más vital sobre la mesa, a pesar de ser la más débil en términos de movimiento y defensa.