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1. large gregarious predatory feline of Africa and India having a tawny coat with a shaggy mane in the male.
The lion's mighty roar echoed through the savannah as it stalked its prey under the scorching African sun. El rugido poderoso del león ecoó a través de la sabana mientras acechaba su presa bajo el sol africano abrasador.
2. a celebrity who is lionized (much sought after).
The rockstar was treated like a lion on his world tour, with fans flocking to every venue and screaming for more. El rockstar fue tratado como un león en su gira mundial, con aficionados acudiendo a cada localidad y gritando por más.
3. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Leo.
As a lion, Rachel is known for her outgoing and adventurous personality, which often takes center stage in social gatherings. Como leona, Rachel es conocida por su personalidad extrovertida y aventurera, que a menudo ocupa el centro del escenario en reuniones sociales.
4. the fifth sign of the zodiac.
The astrologer studied the movements of the planets and predicted that the lion would be an influential sign in the upcoming year. El astrólogo estudió los movimientos de los planetas y predijo que el león sería un signo influyente en el año venidero.