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    Resources Translator Martial arts

martial arts

Translation result
artes marciales martial arts

martial adjective

art noun

1. the products of human creativity.

The museum is home to an impressive collection of art from around the world, including paintings, sculptures, and installations. El museo es el hogar de una impresionante colección de arte procedente de todo el mundo, incluyendo pinturas, esculturas e instalaciones.

2. the creation of beautiful or significant things.

The museum's collection of modern art featured stunning works by Picasso and Matisse, showcasing the artists' unique styles and techniques. La colección de arte moderno del museo presentó obras impresionantes de Picasso y Matisse, destacando los estilos y técnicas únicos de los artistas.

3. a superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation.

The surgeon's art of precision was evident in the delicate surgery, allowing her to remove the tumor without causing any damage to surrounding tissue. El arte de precisión del cirujano era evidente en la cirugía delicada, lo que le permitió retirar el tumor sin causar daño a tejido circundante alguno.

4. photographs or other visual representations in a printed publication.

The art section of the magazine featured stunning images of landscapes from around the world, showcasing the beauty of nature. La sección de arte del periódico presentaba impresionantes imágenes de paisajes de todo el mundo, destacando la belleza de la naturaleza.