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Translation result
colchón mattress

mattress sustantivo

1. A large thick pad filled with resilient material and often incorporating coiled springs, used as a bed or part of a bed.

After a long day, Sarah collapsed onto her plush mattress, feeling grateful for the softness that enveloped her weary body. Después de un día largo, Sarah se derrumbó sobre su manta pluma, sintiendo gratitud por la suavidad que envolvía su cuerpo cansado.
The new bedroom set included a sturdy mattress and frame, which Emma carefully assembled before drifting off to sleep. El nuevo conjunto de dormitorio incluía una cama firme y marco, los cuales Emma ensambló con cuidado antes de adormecerse.
Following a back injury, Dr. Thompson recommended that his patient invest in a high-quality mattress with proper support to alleviate chronic pain. Después de una lesión en la espalda, el doctor Thompson recomendó que su paciente invirtiera en un colchón de alta calidad con soporte adecuado para aliviar el dolor crónico.