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    Resources Translator


Translation result
aceite petróleo, al óleo, óleo oil

oil verb

1. Cover with oil, as if by rubbing.

The chef oiled her hands before kneading the dough to prevent it from sticking. El chef engrasó sus manos antes de amasar la masa para evitar que se pegue.

2. Administer an oil or ointment to .

The nurse had to oil the patient's skin regularly to keep it moisturized and prevent dryness. La enfermera tenía que aceitar la piel del paciente con regularidad para mantenerla hidratada y prevenir la sequedad.

oil sustantivo

1. A slippery or viscous liquid or liquefiable substance not miscible with water.

The oil spill in the ocean caused significant damage to the marine ecosystem, covering birds and fish in its sticky, black residue. La filtración de petróleo en el océano causó daños significativos al ecosistema marino, cubriendo a los pájaros y peces con su residuo pegajoso y negro.

2. Oil paint containing pigment that is used by an artist.

The impressionist painter mixed the oil on her palette to create a vibrant shade of blue for her landscape. El pintor impresionista mezcló el aceite en su paleta para crear un tono azul vibrante para su paisaje.

3. A dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons.

The drilling company extracted large quantities of heavy oil from the depths of the earth, which would be refined into various petroleum products. La empresa de perforación extrajo grandes cantidades de aceite pesado desde las profundidades de la tierra, que serían refinadas en diferentes productos petroleros.

4. Any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants.

The chef added a drizzle of olive oil to the salad for extra flavor and texture. El chef agregó un chorrito de aceite de oliva al salado para darle sabor y textura adicionales.