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Translation result
cebolla onion

onion noun

1. The bulb of an onion plant.

While preparing the recipe, Sarah carefully peeled and chopped the onion, revealing its layers of sweet and savory flavors. Mientras se preparaba la receta, Sarah peló y picó con cuidado el cebolla, revelando sus capas de sabores dulces y salados.

2. Bulbous plant having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb.

The farmer carefully harvested the onions from his garden, setting them aside to dry before storing them in the pantry. El agricultor cuidadosamente cosechó las cebollas de su jardín, colocándolas aparte para secar antes de almacenarlas en el almacén.

3. An aromatic flavorful vegetable.

The chef carefully chopped the onion and sautéed it with garlic to add depth to the sauce. El chef cortó con cuidado la cebolla y la sofreíó con ajo para agregar profundidad al salsa.