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    Recursos Traductor


Translation result
puerto portuaria, babor, oporto, orificio port

port verb

1. Put or turn on the left side, of a ship.

As we approached the dock, the captain ported the ship's engines to slow down for docking. Mientras nos acercábamos al muelle, el capitán paró los motores del barco para ralentizar su velocidad al amarrar.

2. Bring to port.

The captain expertly ported the ship into the harbor, navigating through the narrow channel with ease. El capitán expertamente llevó el barco al puerto, navegando con facilidad a través del canal estrecho.

3. Land at or reach a port.

The cruise ship will port in Miami tomorrow morning after a week-long voyage across the Caribbean. El crucero atracará en Miami mañana por la mañana después de un viaje de una semana a través del Caribe.

4. Turn or go to the port or left side, of a ship.

As we boarded the ship, I had to port around to grab my luggage from the other side of the vessel. Mientras subíamos al barco, tuve que dar un rodeo por la popa para coger mi equipaje del otro lado de la nave.

5. Carry, bear, convey, or bring.

The team will port the heavy equipment to the construction site early in the morning to ensure timely completion. El equipo transportará el equipo pesado al sitio de construcción temprano por la mañana para asegurar el cumplimiento oportuno.

6. Carry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body, especially of weapons.

As he stormed onto the battlefield, Captain James ported his sword across his chest, its gleaming blade reflecting the sunlight. Mientras estallaba en el campo de batalla, el capitán James porta su espada cruzada sobre su pecho, su filosa hoja reflejando la luz del sol.

7. Drink port.

After dinner, she liked to port a glass of rich, fruity Porto on the veranda with her friends. Después de la cena, le gustaba beber un vaso de riquísimo, frutal Porto en el porche con sus amigos.

8. Modify (software) for use on a different machine or platform.

The software engineer spent hours porting the open-source application to run seamlessly on Mac operating systems, finally making it accessible to a broader audience. El ingeniero de software pasó horas portando la aplicación de código abierto para que funcionara sin problemas en sistemas operativos Mac, lo que finalmente la hizo accesible a un público más amplio.

port noun

1. A place (seaport or airport) where people and merchandise can enter or leave a country.

The cargo ship arrived safely at the port of Rotterdam, where it would be unloaded and transported to its final destination. El barco de carga llegó con seguridad al puerto de Róterdam, donde sería descargado y transportado a su destino final.

2. Sweet dark-red dessert wine originally from portugal.

After dinner, we enjoyed a glass of rich, velvety port with our chocolate cake, savoring its bold flavors and aromas. Después de cenar, disfrutamos un vaso de port rico y suave con nuestro pastel de chocolate, saboreando sus robustos sabores y aromas.

3. An opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing through.

The tank's port allowed its crew to fire at enemy positions without exposing themselves to danger. El tanque permitió a su tripulación disparar contra posiciones enemigas sin exponerse al peligro.

4. The left side of a ship or aircraft to someone who is aboard and facing the bow or nose.

As we stood on the deck of the cruise ship, I gazed out at the port side, taking in the breathtaking views of the city skyline. Mientras estábamos en la cubierta del crucero, me fijé en el costado de estribor, disfrutando de las vistas impresionantes del paisaje urbano de la ciudad.

5. (computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals).

The IT specialist carefully configured the port connecting the laptop to the external hard drive, ensuring a stable data transfer. El especialista en TI configuró cuidadosamente el puerto que conecta la laptop con el disco duro externo, asegurando un transferencia de datos estable.

port adjective

1. Located on the left side of a ship or aircraft.

The captain stood at the port railing, gazing out at the horizon as the sun began to set. El capitán se encontraba en la barandilla del puerto, contemplando el horizonte mientras el sol empezaba a ponerse.