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Translation result
rata ratoncito, soplón, canalla rat

rat verbo

1. Desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantage.

After getting an offer from a rival company, John decided to rat on his colleagues and steal their ideas to impress his new boss. Después de recibir una oferta de una empresa rival, John decidió delatar a sus colegas y robar sus ideas para impresionar a su nuevo jefe.

2. Employ scabs or strike breakers in.

3. Take the place of work of someone on strike.

The scab rat who took the place of the striking workers was met with hostility by the union members. El rata con escama que ocupó el lugar de los trabajadores en huelga fue recibido con hostilidad por los miembros del sindicato.

4. Give (hair) the appearance of being fuller by using a rat.

After applying the hair thickening spray, she ratted her thinning locks to give them a more voluminous look. Después de aplicar el spray para espesar el cabello, ella peinó sus mechones delgados para darles un aspecto más voluminoso.

5. Catch rats, especially with dogs.

The hunting party spent hours ratting through the fields and forests, eager to bag a few of the pesky rodents for dinner. La partida de caza pasó horas revolcándose por los campos y bosques, ansiosa por atrapar algunos de esos molestantes roedores para cenar.

6. Give away information about somebody.

The whistleblower was accused of ratting out his colleague to the management, which led to his termination. Se acusó al denunciante de delatar a su colega ante la dirección, lo que llevó a su despido.

rat sustantivo

1. Any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse.

The farmer noticed that rats had infested his barn, leaving behind trails of droppings and gnawed grain bags. El campesino se dio cuenta de que las ratas habían infestado su granja, dejando atrás sendas de deposiciones y sacos de grano mordisqueados.

2. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike.

The scab was heavily criticized by the union members for being a rat and crossing their picket line. La escara fue duramente criticada por los miembros del sindicato por ser un traidor y cruzar su línea de piquete.

3. A person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible.

The corrupt businessman was seen as a rat by his former colleagues, who had trusted him once but now despised him for his deceitful behavior. El empresario corrupto fue visto como una rata por sus excolaboradores, que le habían confiado en él anteriormente pero ahora lo detestaban por su comportamiento deshonesto.

4. One who reveals confidential information in return for money.

The whistleblower was accused of being a rat when he sold sensitive documents to the media, compromising national security. El denunciante fue acusado de ser un topo cuando vendió documentos sensibles a los medios, comprometiendo la seguridad nacional.

5. A pad (usually made of hair) worn as part of a woman's coiffure.

The hairstylist carefully placed the rat on top of her client's head, securing it with bobby pins and hairspray for a sleek, polished look. La peluquera colocó con cuidado el ratón en la cabeza de su cliente, asegurándolo con pinzas y pegamento para un estilo impecable y pulcro.