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    Recursos Traductor


Translation result
lectura leyendo reading

reading sustantivo

1. The cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message.

The teacher emphasized the importance of reading comprehension in her students, encouraging them to engage with the texts on a deeper level. La profesora enfatizó la importancia de la comprensión lectora en sus estudiantes, animándolos a comprometerse con los textos a un nivel más profundo.

2. A particular interpretation or performance.

The actor's dramatic reading of the Shakespearean sonnet brought the audience to tears. La lectura dramática del actor de la sonata shakespeariana conmovió al público hasta las lágrimas.

3. A datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument.

The doctor checked the patient's vital signs and recorded their blood pressure reading, which was slightly higher than normal. El médico verificó los signos vitales del paciente y registró la lectura de su presión arterial, que era ligeramente superior a lo normal.

4. Written material intended to be read.

The teacher assigned a reading from the novel for homework, and students were expected to complete it by the next class. El profesor asignó un pasaje del novel para el trabajo de casa y se esperaba que los estudiantes lo completaran hasta la próxima clase.

5. A mental representation of the meaning or significance of something.

The professor encouraged students to share their own readings of the complex theoretical text, highlighting different interpretations and insights. El profesor animó a los estudiantes a compartir sus propias lecturas de texto teórico complejo, destacando diferentes interpretaciones e insigths.

6. A city on the river thames in berkshire in southern england.

After completing her degree, Sarah moved to Reading to start her new job at a tech firm in the city's thriving startup scene. Después de completar su título, Sarah se mudó a Reading para comenzar su nuevo trabajo en una empresa tecnológica en la escena emprendedora próspera de la ciudad.

7. A public instance of reciting or repeating (from memory) something prepared in advance.

The poet delivered a powerful reading of her latest collection at the literary festival, bringing the audience to tears with its emotional depth. El poeta dio una lectura potente de su última colección en el festival literario, conmoviendo al público hasta las lágrimas con la profundidad emocional.

8. The act of measuring with meters or similar instruments.

The meteorologist took a reading of the atmospheric pressure before predicting the storm's path. El meteorólogo tomó una lectura de la presión atmosférica antes de predecir el camino del tornado.