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    Resources Translator

refridgerator (fridge)

Translation result
refrigerador (nevera) refridgerator (fridge)

fridge sustantivo

1. A refrigerator in which the coolant is pumped around by an electric motor.

The new fridge we bought last week has been keeping our food fresh and cool, thanks to its efficient electric motor. El nuevo frigorífico que compramos la semana pasada ha estado conservando nuestra comida fresca y a temperatura ambiente gracias a su eficiente motor eléctrico.
After moving into the new apartment, Sarah realized that the old fridge wasn't compatible with her favorite brand of bottled water, so she had to replace it with a newer model. Después de mudarse al nuevo apartamento, Sarah se dio cuenta de que el frigorífico antiguo no era compatible con su marca favorita de agua embotellada, por lo que tuvo que reemplazarlo con un modelo más moderno.
When the power went out during the storm, John was worried about his perishable groceries in the fridge, but luckily they were still safe and edible when the electricity came back on. Cuando el poder se apagó durante la tormenta, John se preocupó por sus comestibles perecederos en la nevera, pero afortunadamente seguían siendo seguros y comestibles cuando el suministro de electricidad volvió a encenderse.