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Translation result
Arroz arroz, arrocera rice

rice verbo

1. Sieve so that it becomes the consistency of rice.

Before serving, she had to rice the cooked quinoa to achieve the perfect fluffy texture. Antes de servir, tuvo que enfriar el quinua cocido para lograr la textura suave y esponjosa perfecta.

rice sustantivo

1. Grains used as food either unpolished or more often polished.

After the wedding, the bride's family served a variety of dishes, including steaming plates of fluffy white rice and savory chicken curry. Después de la boda, la familia de la novia sirvió una variedad de platos, incluyendo bandejas vaporosas de arroz blanco suave y curry de pollo sabroso.

2. Annual or perennial rhizomatous marsh grasses.

The farmer carefully cultivated the rice fields, ensuring the delicate roots of the plants were not damaged during harvest. El agricultor cultivó con cuidado los campos de arroz, asegurándose de que las raíces delicadas de las plantas no se dañaran durante la cosecha.

3. English lyricist who frequently worked with andrew lloyd webber (born in 1944).

Tim Rice's collaboration with Andrew Lloyd Webber on musicals like "Evita" and "Jesus Christ Superstar" has cemented his status as one of the most successful lyricists in British musical theatre. La colaboración de Tim Rice con Andrew Lloyd Webber en musicales como 'Evita' y 'Jesucristo Superstar' ha consolidado su estatus como uno de los más exitosos letristas del teatro musical británico.

4. United states playwright (1892-1967).

The renowned American theater company is celebrating the centennial of Eugene O'Neill, aka "The Rice", with a production of his iconic play "Long Day's Journey into Night". La empresa de teatro americana famosa está celebrando el centenario de Eugene O'Neill, también conocida como "El Arroz", con una producción de su obra icónica "Un largo viaje hacia la noche".