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    Resources Translator


Translation result
sal salada, salinas salt

salt verbo

1. Add salt to.

Before cooking the pasta, she salts the boiling water to give it some extra flavor. Antes de cocinar el macarrón, ella sazona el agua hirviendo para darle un sabor adicional.

2. Sprinkle as if with salt.

The chef salted the popcorn kernels before roasting them in the oven, giving them a savory flavor. El chef salpicó los granos de palomita con sal antes de asarlos en el horno, lo que les dio un sabor sabio.

3. Add zest or liveliness to.

The chef salted the dish with a sprinkle of paprika, giving it a burst of flavor and color that elevated the entire meal. El chef salpimentó la comida con una pizca de pimienta, otorgándole un brote de sabor y color que elevó toda la comida.

4. Preserve with salt.

To ensure the meat stays fresh for months, we will salt it before storing it in the cellar. Hacer que el carne quede fresco durante meses, salaremos la carne antes de almacenarla en el almacén.

salt sustantivo

1. A compound formed by replacing hydrogen in an acid by a metal (or a radical that acts like a metal).

The chemist studied the properties of sodium salt, which is commonly used as a disinfectant in hospitals. El químico estudió las propiedades del cloruro de sodio, que se utiliza comúnmente como desinfectante en hospitales.

2. White crystalline form of especially sodium chloride used to season and preserve food.

The chef sprinkled salt over the roasted vegetables to bring out their natural flavors. El chef espolvoreó sal sobre las verduras asadas para acentuar sus sabores naturales.

3. Negotiations between the united states and the union of soviet socialist republics opened in 1969 in helsinki designed to limit both countries' stock of nuclear weapons.

The Salt Talks, which took place in Helsinki from 1969 to 1970, marked a significant milestone in international diplomacy as they aimed to reduce the threat of nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Las conversaciones de Salto, que tuvieron lugar en Helsinki entre 1969 y 1970, marcó un hito significativo en la diplomacia internacional al tener como objetivo reducir el riesgo de guerra nuclear entre los Estados Unidos y la Unión Soviética.

4. The taste experience when common salt is taken into the mouth.

The chef carefully seasoned the dish with a pinch of salt, allowing the subtle flavor to enhance the overall taste experience. El chef cuidadosamente sazonó la comida con una pizca de sal, permitiendo que el sutil sabor realce la experiencia del gusto en general.

salt adjetivo

1. (of speech) painful or bitter.

The salt words of criticism from her mentor left me feeling deflated and demotivated. Las palabras de crítica salina de su mentor me dejaron sintiéndome desinflado y desmotivado.