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    Resources Translator


Translation result
tiburón shark

shark verbo

1. Play the shark.

At the negotiation table, the CEO liked to shark, always trying to get the best deal possible. En la mesa de negociación, el CEO solía bluffear, siempre intentando obtener el mejor trato posible.

2. Hunt shark.

The commercial fishermen have been sharking the waters off the coast of Hawaii for years, targeting large tiger sharks for their fins and meat. Los pescadores comerciales han estado cazando tiburones en las aguas costeras de Hawái durante años, dirigiéndose hacia grandes tiburones tigre por sus aletas y carne.

shark sustantivo

1. Any of numerous elongate mostly marine carnivorous fishes with heterocercal caudal fins and tough skin covered with small toothlike scales.

The shark glided effortlessly through the coral reef, its sharp eyes scanning for unsuspecting prey. El tiburón navegó con facilidad a través del arrecife de coral, sus ojos agudos escudriñando la caza desprevenida.

2. A person who is ruthless and greedy and dishonest.

The real estate agent was known to be a shark, always looking for ways to take advantage of unsuspecting clients and get ahead at any cost. El agente inmobiliario era conocido por ser un tiburón, siempre buscando formas de aprovechar a clientes ingenuos y hacerse con el poder a cualquier costo.

3. A person who is unusually skilled in certain ways.

The tech startup's founder was a shark when it came to negotiating deals, and he managed to secure a lucrative partnership with a major investor. El fundador de la empresa de tecnología era un tiburón cuando se trataba de negociar acuerdos y logró obtener una sociedad lucrativa con un inversor importante.