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Translation result
serpiente víbora, culebra, serpentee snake

snake verbo

1. Move smoothly and sinuously, like a snake.

As she swam through the water, her body began to snake through the coral reef, weaving effortlessly between the colorful fish. Mientras nadaba a través del agua, su cuerpo comenzó a serpentear a través el arrecife de coral, tejiendo con facilidad entre los peces coloridos.

2. Form a snake-like pattern.

The river's surface started to snake its way through the reeds and water lilies, creating a mesmerizing display of twisting tendrils. La superficie del río comenzó a serpentear su camino a través de los juncos y nenúfares, creando un espectacular despliegue de tiras retorcidas.

3. Move along a winding path.

The hikers had to snake through the dense underbrush to reach the hidden waterfall, their trailblazing efforts rewarded with a breathtaking view. Los excursionistas tuvieron que reptar a través del denso matorral para alcanzar la cascada escondida, sus esfuerzos por marcar el camino recompensados con una vista alucinante.

snake sustantivo

1. Limbless scaly elongate reptile.

The snake slithered silently through the grass, its forked tongue darting in and out of its mouth as it searched for prey. La serpiente se deslizó silenciosamente a través del césped, su lengua bifurcada saltando dentro y fuera de su boca mientras buscaba presa.

2. A deceitful or treacherous person.

The business rival was a snake, always trying to sabotage our plans and steal our clients. El rival empresarial era una serpiente, siempre intentando sabotear nuestros planes y robar nuestros clientes.

3. A tributary of the columbia river that rises in wyoming and flows westward.

The Snake River flows gently through the scenic valleys of Idaho before merging with the Columbia River near Lewiston. El río Snake fluye suavemente a través de los valles escénicos de Idaho antes de unirse con el río Columbia cerca de Lewiston.

4. A long faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near the equator stretching between virgo and cancer.

Astronomers often point out the snake constellation to amateur stargazers, as it can be difficult to spot due to its faintness. Astrónomos a menudo muestran la constelación de la serpiente a los astrófilos aficionados, ya que puede ser difícil de detectar debido a su debilidad.

5. Something long, thin, and flexible that resembles a snake.

The dancer's slender arms became like snakes as she twirled across the stage, her movements fluid and hypnotic. Los brazos del bailarina se convirtieron en serpientes al girar por el escenario, sus movimientos fluidos y hipnóticos.