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Translation result
estómago vientre, barriga, gástrico, abdomen stomach

stomach verbo

1. Bear to eat.

Despite the spicy food, she found it hard to stomach the burning sensation in her mouth. A pesar de la comida picante, le resultó difícil digerir el dolor ardiente en su boca.

2. Put up with something or somebody unpleasant.

Despite her initial reservations, she managed to stomach her aunt's constant criticism and embarrassing stories. A pesar de sus iniciales reservas, logró digerir las constantes críticas y historias embarazosas de su tía.

stomach sustantivo

1. An enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal.

The surgeon performed a delicate operation to remove a tumor from the patient's stomach, which had been causing severe abdominal pain. El cirujano realizó una operación delicada para remover un tumor del estómago del paciente, que había estado causando dolor abdominal severo.

2. The region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis.

During her yoga practice, Sarah focused on engaging her core muscles, including her stomach, to improve her posture. Durante su práctica de yoga, Sarah se enfocó en activar sus músculos abdominales, incluyendo el estómago, para mejorar su postura.

3. An inclination or liking for things involving conflict or difficulty or unpleasantness.

Despite her parents' warnings, Sarah has a stomach for adventure and loves going on extreme hikes in remote areas. A pesar de las advertencias de sus padres, Sarah tiene un estómago para la aventura y le encanta hacer senderos extremos en áreas remotas.

4. An appetite for food.

Despite having eaten just hours ago, she still had a tremendous stomach and devoured the entire pizza by herself. A pesar de haber comido solo horas antes, todavía tenía un estómago tremendo y se lo devoró entero ella sola.