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Translation result
terraza terrace

terrace verb

1. Provide (a house) with a terrace.

The architect decided to terrace the new mansion with a spacious outdoor living area, complete with a swimming pool and a garden. El arquitecto decidió terrazar la nueva mansión con un amplio área de vida al aire libre, completa con una piscina y un jardín.

2. Make into terraces as for cultivation.

The farmer decided to terrace the hillside to create a series of flat plots for planting crops. El agricultor decidió terraplenar el lado de la colina para crear una serie de planos llanos para plantar cultivos.

terrace noun

1. Usually paved outdoor area adjoining a residence.

The newlywed couple decided to host their wedding reception on the beautifully landscaped terrace of their villa, overlooking the rolling hills. El recién casado decidieron hospedar su recepción de boda en el impresionante jardín ajardinado de su villa, con vistas a los cerros ondulantes.

2. A level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below).

The hikers stopped to admire the breathtaking view from the top of the mountain's terrance, where the lush forest gave way to a stunning panorama of the valley below. Los excursionistas se detuvieron para admirar la vista impresionante desde el vertiente superior de la montaña, donde el denso bosque cedía paso a un panorama estupendo del valle inferior.

3. A row of houses built in a similar style and having common dividing walls (or the street on which they face).

The charming street was lined with rows of terraces, each one featuring ornate ironwork balconies and brightly colored shutters. La calle encantadora estaba empedrada con filas de terrazas, cada una con balcones de hierro ornamentales y persianas coloridas.