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Translation result
tigre tiger

tiger sustantivo

1. A fierce or audacious person.

The tiger on the battlefield was feared by all, known for his bravery and unwavering determination to win. El tigre en el campo de batalla era temido por todos, conocido por su valentía y determinación inquebrantable para ganar.
With her fiery personality and unapologetic attitude, Sarah was often referred to as the tiger of the office, always speaking her mind and taking risks others wouldn't dare to take. Con su personalidad ardiente y actitud no disculpada, Sarah a menudo se refería como el tigre del despacho, siempre expresando su opinión y arriesgando lo que otros no osarían hacer.

2. Large feline of forests in most of asia having a tawny coat with black stripes.

The tiger roamed freely through the forest, its vibrant orange and black stripes blending seamlessly into the underbrush. El tigre vagó libremente a través del bosque, sus vivos rayas naranjas y negras fundiéndose de manera suave en la maleza.
During the wildlife expedition, we were fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of a majestic Bengal tiger lazing in the sun-dappled clearing. Durante el expedición por la vida silvestre, tuvimos la suerte de pillar un vistazo a un tigre bengal majestuoso descansando en el claro bañado de sol.