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    Recursos Traductor

to attack or criticize strongly

Translation result
Atacar o criticar fuertemente to attack or criticize strongly

attack verb

1. Launch an attack or assault on.

The enemy forces attacked our position at dawn, catching us off guard and forcing us to scramble for cover. Las fuerzas enemigas atacaron nuestra posición al amanecer, sorprendiéndonos y obligándonos a buscar refugio precipitadamente.

2. Attack in speech or writing.

The journalist's scathing article attacked the mayor's policies, criticizing their lack of transparency and accountability. El artículo mordaz del periodista atacó las políticas del alcalde, criticando su falta de transparencia y responsabilidad.

3. Take the initiative and go on the offensive.

The tennis player decided to attack her opponent's backhand, hoping to catch her off guard and gain an advantage in the match. El tenista decidió atacar el revés de su oponente, esperando pillarla por sorpresa y obtener una ventaja en el partido.

4. Attack someone physically or emotionally.

The bully attacked the student in the school yard, leaving him with a black eye and a bruised ego. El bulli atacó al estudiante en el patio escolar, dejándolo con un ojo negro y un ego magullado.

5. Set to work upon.

The team attacked the project, working tirelessly through the night to meet the deadline. El equipo atacó el proyecto, trabajando sin descanso a lo largo de la noche para cumplir con la fecha límite.

6. Begin to injure.

The dog attacked its owner's leg after being startled by a sudden noise. El perro atacó la pierna del dueño después de ser sorprendido por un ruido repentino.


Pronoun Conjugation
I attack.
You attack.
He/She/It attacks.
We attack.
You attack.
They attack.
Complete conjugation.

criticize verb

1. Find fault with.

Express criticism of Expresar críticas a

2. Act as a critic.

Those who criticize others often are not perfect, either Aquellos que critican a otros a menudo tampoco son perfectos

strongly adverb

1. With strength or in a strong manner.

She strongly believed that education was the key to success and spent most of her free time volunteering at the local library. Ella creía firmemente que la educación era la clave para el éxito y pasaba la mayoría de su tiempo libre voluntariando en la biblioteca local.
The team played strongly throughout the match, scoring goal after goal against their opponents. El equipo jugó fuerte durante todo el partido, marcando golpe a golpe contra sus adversarios.

2. In a powerful manner.

The new policy was implemented strongly by the company, resulting in significant changes to the workforce. La nueva política fue implementada con firmeza por la empresa, lo que llevó a cambios significativos en el personal.
The singer's powerful vocals sang strongly through the microphone, captivating the entire audience. Los potentes voces del cantante resonaron fuerte a través del micrófono, hipnotizando a toda la audiencia.