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    Recursos Traductor

to pretend to agree to something; to fake interest in something

Translation result
Simular que se está de acuerdo con algo; fingir interés en algo to pretend to agree to something; to fake interest in something

pretend verbo

1. Make believe with the intent to deceive.

He feigned that he was ill Él fingió que estaba enfermo

2. Behave unnaturally or affectedly.

She's just acting Ella solo esta actuando

3. Put forward a claim and assert right or possession of.

Pretend the title of king Pretender el título de rey

4. Put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation.

I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again Supongo que el precio de los bienes inmuebles volverá a subir

5. Represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like.

She makes like an actress Ella actúa como una actriz

6. State insincerely.

He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt Se declaró inocente pero luego admitió su culpabilidad

agree verbo

1. Be in accord.

The two parties finally agreed on the terms of the contract after hours of negotiations. Las dos partes finalmente acordaron los términos del contrato después de horas de negociaciones.

2. Consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something.

The company agreed to lower its prices in response to customer complaints, hoping to improve sales. La empresa acordó reducir sus precios en respuesta a las quejas de los clientes, con la esperanza de mejorar las ventas.

3. Be compatible, similar or consistent.

The architect and engineer finally agreed on the design of the new building, ensuring that it would be functional and aesthetically pleasing. El arquitecto y el ingeniero finalmente acordaron sobre el diseño del nuevo edificio, asegurándose de que fuera funcional y atractivo estéticamente.

4. Go together.

The colors of the sunset agree perfectly with the sky, creating a breathtaking view. Los colores del atardecer coinciden perfectamente con el cielo, creando una vista impresionante.

5. Show grammatical agreement.

The grammar checker insisted that the subject and predicate must agree in number to ensure proper sentence structure. El corrector de gramática insistió en que el sujeto y el predicado deben concordar en número para garantizar la estructura correcta de la oración.

6. Be agreeable or suitable.

The new employee's friendly demeanor agreed with the company culture, making it easy for her to fit in with the team. El amable comportamiento del nuevo empleado se ajustó a la cultura corporativa, lo que hizo fácil para ella adaptarse al equipo.

7. Achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose.

After hours of negotiation, the two countries finally agreed on a trade deal, marking a significant step towards peace and cooperation. Después de horas de negociación, los dos países llegaron finalmente a un acuerdo comercial, lo que marca un paso significativo hacia la paz y la cooperación.


Pronombre Conjugación
I agree.
You agree.
He/She/It agrees.
We agree.
You agree.
They agree.
Conjugación completa.

fake adjetivo

1. Fraudulent.

The detective suspected that the diamond necklace was fake, and it wasn't worth the hefty price tag. El detective creía que el collar de diamantes era falso y no valía el precio elevado que se pedía por él.
The company's claims about their new product being revolutionary were fake, and they were just trying to sell more stock. Las afirmaciones de la empresa sobre su nuevo producto ser revolucionario fueron falsas y solo intentaban vender más acciones.

2. Not genuine or real.

The artist was accused of creating fake paintings that looked like they were created by her idol, but were actually just copies. El artista fue acusado de crear pinturas falsas que parecían haber sido creadas por su ídolo, pero en realidad eran simples copias.
The company's new product was criticized for being a fake version of a popular brand, with a similar design and packaging but inferior quality. El nuevo producto de la empresa fue criticado por ser una versión falsa de una marca popular, con un diseño y empaque similares pero calidad inferior.

interest noun

1. A sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something.

The journalist's interest in politics was evident in her in-depth coverage of the presidential election. El interés del periodista en la política era evidente en su cobertura exhaustiva de la elección presidencial.

2. A reason for wanting something done.

The company's interest in expanding into new markets drove its decision to invest in research and development. El interés de la empresa en expandirse a nuevos mercados impulsó su decisión de invertir en investigación y desarrollo.

3. The power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.).

The new art exhibition has generated significant interest among the local community, with many visitors staying for hours to admire the unique installations. La nueva exposición de arte ha generado un gran interés en la comunidad local, con muchos visitantes que se quedan horas para admirar las instalaciones únicas.

4. A fixed charge for borrowing money.

The bank charged an annual interest of 5% on my loan, which added up to a significant amount over the course of five years. El banco cobró un interés anual del 5% en mi préstamo, lo que sumó una cantidad significativa durante el curso de cinco años.

5. (law) a right or legal share of something.

The company's shareholders have a vested interest in the success of the new product launch, which is expected to increase their dividend payouts. Los accionistas de la empresa tienen un interés directo en el éxito del lanzamiento del nuevo producto, que se espera aumente sus pagos de dividendos.

6. (usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims.

The banking interest, led by the CEO, has been instrumental in shaping the country's monetary policy. El interés bancario, liderado por el CEO, ha sido fundamental en la formación de la política monetaria del país.

7. A diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly).

During her free hours, she indulged in her interest of painting, losing track of time as she got absorbed in creating beautiful artwork. Durante sus horas libres, se sumergió en su interés por la pintura, perdiendo el sentido del tiempo al quedarse absorta creando arte bello.