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    Recursos Traductor

track and field

Translation result
pista y campo track and field

track sustantivo

1. A line or route along which something travels or moves.

The train followed the track through the mountains, offering breathtaking views of the valley below. El tren siguió el tramo a través de las montañas, ofreciendo vistas deslumbrantes del valle que había abajo.

2. Evidence pointing to a possible solution.

The detective followed a crucial track of fingerprints that led her to the suspect's hideout. El detective siguió un rastro crítico de huellas dactilares que la llevó al escondrijo del sospechoso.

3. A pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels.

The train rumbled down the track, its wheels screeching in protest as it gained speed. El tren rugió por el tramo, sus ruedas chirriando en protesta mientras ganaba velocidad.

4. A course over which races are run.

The Formula One cars zoomed around the track, leaving behind a trail of smoke and noise. Los coches de Fórmula Uno recorrieron la pista a gran velocidad, dejando atrás un rastro de humo y ruido.

5. A distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc.

The DJ spun a great track by Daft Punk, getting the crowd moving with its infectious beat. El DJ puso un gran tema de Daft Punk, moviendo a la multitud con su ritmo pegadizo.

6. An endless metal belt on which tracked vehicles move over the ground.

The tank's wheels were perfectly suited to the rough terrain, allowing it to traverse the muddy track with ease. Los ruedas del tanque estaban perfectamente adaptadas al terreno accidentado, lo que le permitió atravesar el camino fangoso con facilidad.

7. (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data.

The hard drive has several tracks where I store my important files, so I can access them quickly. El disco duro tiene varios pistas donde almaceno mis archivos importantes, de manera que puedo accederlos rápidamente.

8. A groove on a phonograph recording.

The vinyl record had several tracks that played back-to-back, featuring classic hits from the 1960s. El vinilo tenía varios temas que se reproducían uno detrás de otro, con clásicos de los años 60.

9. A bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll.

The freight train rumbled down the track, carrying cargo from one coast of the country to the other. El tren de mercancías rugió por la vía, transportando cargas desde una costa del país hasta la otra.

10. Any road or path affording passage especially a rough one.

The hikers had to navigate through the dense forest along a rough track, careful not to trip on the roots and rocks. Los excursionistas tuvieron que navegar a través del bosque denso siguiendo un sendero rústico, con cuidado de no resbalarse en las raíces y piedras.

11. The act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track.

The school's track team has been training rigorously to prepare for the state championships, which will take place next weekend. El equipo de atletismo del colegio ha estado entrenando con rigurosidad para prepararse para los campeonatos estatales, que tendrán lugar la próxima semana.

field sustantivo

1. A piece of land cleared of trees and usually enclosed.

The farmer tended to his wheat field every morning, making sure it was free of weeds and pests. El agricultor cuidaba su campo de trigo todos los días por la mañana, asegurándose de que estuviera libre de malezas y plagas.

2. A region where a battle is being (or has been) fought.

The historic battlefield in Gettysburg was now a peaceful field, but it still held the scars of the Civil War. El campo de batalla histórico en Gettysburg ya era un prado pacífico, pero todavía conservaba las cicatrices de la Guerra Civil.

3. Somewhere (away from a studio or office or library or laboratory) where practical work is done or data is collected.

The team conducted their research in the field, collecting samples and data on the behavior of endangered species. El equipo realizó su investigación en el campo, recopilando muestras y datos sobre el comportamiento de especies en peligro de extinción.

4. A branch of knowledge.

The professor is an expert in the field of quantum physics and has written several papers on the subject. El profesor es un experto en el campo de la física cuántica y ha escrito varios artículos sobre el tema.

5. The space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it.

The scientists studied the gravitational field surrounding the newly discovered black hole, carefully charting its effects on nearby stars and planets. Los científicos estudiaron el campo gravitatorio que rodeaba el agujero negro recién descubierto, cartografiando cuidadosamente sus efectos en las estrellas y planetas cercanos.

6. A particular kind of commercial enterprise.

The tech field has seen significant growth in recent years, with many startups emerging and becoming successful. El campo tecnológico ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años, con muchos startups emergiendo y volviéndose exitosas.

7. A particular environment or walk of life.

As a renowned botanist, Dr. Smith spent her entire career in the field of tropical ecology, dedicating herself to studying the unique plant species found only in those regions. Como una botánica destacada, la Dra. Smith pasó toda su carrera en el campo de la ecología tropical, dedicándose a estudiar las especies vegetales únicas encontradas solo en esas regiones.

8. A piece of land prepared for playing a game.

The football team took to the field, their bright orange jerseys a stark contrast to the lush green grass beneath their feet. El equipo de fútbol tomó el campo, sus jerseys brillantes de color naranja un contraste llamativo con el verde intenso del césped bajo sus pies.

9. Extensive tract of level open land.

The farmer planted his crops in the vast green field that stretched across the valley, hoping for a bountiful harvest. El agricultor plantó sus cultivos en el amplio campo verde que se extendía por la valleja, con la esperanza de una cosecha abundante.

10. (mathematics) a set of elements such that addition and multiplication are commutative and associative and multiplication is distributive over addition and there are two elements 0 and 1.

In algebra, the real numbers form a field under standard addition and multiplication operations. En álgebra, los números reales forman un campo bajo las operaciones estándar de adición y multiplicación.

11. A region in which active military operations are in progress.

The army was deployed to the battlefield, where they engaged in intense combat across the enemy's field. El ejército fue desplegado en el campo de batalla, donde se involucró en un combate intenso a lo largo del campo enemigo.

12. All of the horses in a particular horse race.

The field of six horses thundered down the track, with the favorite jockey holding a slight lead. El campo de seis caballos tronó por la pista, con el jockey favorito manteniendo una ligera ventaja.

13. All the competitors in a particular contest or sporting event.

The entire field of athletes gathered at the starting line, ready to begin the marathon. El campo completo de atletas se reunificó en la línea de partida, listos para comenzar el maratón.

14. A geographic region (land or sea) under which something valuable is found.

The oil field in Texas was one of the largest in the country, providing millions of barrels of crude oil to refineries every year. El campo petrolífero en Texas era uno de los más grandes del país, proporcionando millones de barriles de petróleo crudo a las refinerías todos los años.

15. (computer science) a set of one or more adjacent characters comprising a unit of information.

The programmer carefully examined each character in the field to ensure that it was correctly formatted before processing the data. El programador examinó con cuidado cada carácter en el campo para asegurarse de que estuviera correctamente formateado antes de procesar los datos.

16. The area that is visible (as through an optical instrument).

The astronomer carefully adjusted the telescope's eyepiece to observe the vast field of stars in the Andromeda galaxy. El astrónomo ajustó cuidadosamente el objetivo del telescopio para observar el vasto campo de estrellas en la galaxia de Andrómeda.

17. A place where planes take off and land.

The pilot carefully guided the plane onto the runway of the airfield, feeling relieved to have safely landed after a long flight. El piloto guió con cuidado el avión hasta la pista del aeródromo, sintiendo alivio por haber aterrizado seguro después de un vuelo largo.