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Translation result
trucha salmónido trout

trout noun

1. Flesh of any of several primarily freshwater game and food fishes.

The chef carefully prepared the pan-seared trout, serving it with a side of garlic butter and lemon wedges to bring out its delicate flavor. El chef preparó con cuidado el trucha al horno, sirviéndola junto con un lado de mantequilla de ajo y rodajas de limón para destacar su delicioso sabor.
After a long day of fishing, John proudly held up his catch: a plump, golden trout that would make for a delicious dinner. Después de un largo día de pesca, Juan se enorgullecía de mostrar su captura: una trucha gorda y dorada que haría una deliciosa cena.

2. Any of various game and food fishes of cool fresh waters mostly smaller than typical salmons.

The angler carefully waded into the stream, hoping to catch a few rainbow trout for dinner tonight. El pescador avanzó con cuidado en el arroyo, esperando atrapar unos cuantos truchas arcoíris para la cena esta noche.
At the local fish market, the vendor was selling fresh trout fillets, perfect for grilling or baking with lemon and herbs. En el mercado de pescado local, el vendedor estaba vendiendo filetes de trucha fresca, ideales para asar o cocinar al horno con limón y hierbas.