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violín violin

violin noun

1. Bowed stringed instrument that is the highest member of the violin family.

The young musician held her violin tightly as she began to play the beautiful melody on stage. La joven músico sujetó su violín con firmeza mientras comenzaba a tocar la bella melodía en el escenario.
The music teacher asked the student to tune his violin before the concert rehearsal started. El profesor de música le pidió al estudiante que afinara su violín antes de que empezara la reunión de ensayo del concierto.
The renowned virtuoso violinist showcased her mastery of the instrument during the evening's performance, effortlessly executing complex passages and soaring melodies. El virtuosa violinista reconocida exhibió su dominio del instrumento durante el concierto de la noche, ejecutando con facilidad pasajes complejos y melodías que ascendían al cielo.