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    Resources Translator


Translation result
nuez nogal walnut

walnut noun

1. Nut of any of various walnut trees having a wrinkled two-lobed seed with a hard shell.

The chef expertly chopped the fresh walnuts and mixed them into the salad dressing for added crunch. El chef cortó expertamente las nueces frescas y las mezcló con el aderezo de ensalada para agregar textura.

2. Hard dark-brown wood of any of various walnut trees.

The carpenter carefully selected a beautiful piece of walnut for the table's leg, admiring its rich, dark color and fine grain. El carpintero seleccionó con cuidado un hermosa pieza de nogal para la pierna de la mesa, admirando su rico y oscuro color y su fino grano.

3. Any of various trees of the genus juglans.

The walnut tree in our backyard is producing an abundance of nuts this season, and we're excited to harvest them for baking. El árbol de nogal en nuestro jardín está produciendo una abundancia de nueces esta temporada y estamos emocionados por recogerlas para hornear.