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    Resources Translator


Translation result
ballena whale

whale verbo

1. Hunt for whales.

The commercial whale fleet has been whaling in these waters for decades, but their catch rates have been declining due to overfishing. La flota comercial de ballenas ha estado cazando en estas aguas durante décadas, pero sus tasas de captura han sido declinantes debido a la sobrepesca.
In the 19th century, European explorers would often whale in the Arctic regions, seeking to hunt and kill these massive creatures for their oil and blubber. En el siglo XIX, los exploradores europeos solían cazar ballenas en las regiones árticas, buscando cazar y matar a estas criaturas gigantes por su aceite y grasa.

whale sustantivo

1. A very large person.

The whale at the party was having trouble squeezing into the photo booth due to his massive size. La ballena en la fiesta estaba teniendo problemas para meterse en el Booth de fotos debido a su tamaño monumental.
After years of overindulging in rich foods, John had become known as the whale among his friends and family. Después de años de excesos en alimentos ricos, John se había ganado el apodo de ballena entre sus amigos y familiares.

2. Any of the larger cetacean mammals having a streamlined body and breathing through a blowhole on the head.

The whale breached the surface of the ocean, its massive body arching out of the water in a spectacular display. La ballena impactó la superficie del océano, su cuerpo masivo arqueando hacia fuera del agua en un espectacular despliegue.
On our guided tour, we were lucky enough to spot a humpback whale swimming alongside our boat in the Pacific Ocean. En nuestra excursión guiada, tuvimos suerte de avistar a una ballena jorobada nadando al lado de nuestro bote en el Océano Pacífico.