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    Resources Translator


Translation result
lobo loba wolf

wolf verbo

1. Eat hastily.

After missing lunch, John wolfed down his dinner at the restaurant, barely noticing the taste of the food. Después de perder el almuerzo, Juan se lo tragó todo el dinner en el restaurante, apenas notando el sabor del plato.

wolf sustantivo

1. Any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of north america and eurasia that usually hunt in packs.

The wolf pack roamed the forest at night, their piercing howls echoing through the trees. La manada de lobos recorrió el bosque por la noche, sus aullidos agudos ecoando a través de los árboles.

2. Austrian composer (1860-1903).

The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra performed a tribute concert to Hugo Wolf, the renowned Austrian composer known for his art songs and choral music. La Orquesta Filarmónica de Viena interpretó un concierto homenaje al compositor austriaco Hugo Wolf, conocido por sus canciones artísticas y música coral.

3. German classical scholar who claimed that the iliad and odyssey were composed by several authors (1759-1824).

The literary historians credited Friedrich August Wolf with revolutionizing the field of classical studies by proposing that Homer's epics, the Iliad and Odyssey, were not single-author works, but rather compositions of multiple writers. Los historiadores literarios le otorgaron a Friedrich August Wolf el crédito por revolucionar el campo de los estudios clásicos al proponer que las épicos de Homero, la Ilíada y la Odisea, no eran obras de un solo autor, sino composiciones de varios escritores.

4. A man who is aggressive in making amorous advances to women.

5. A cruelly rapacious person.

The business mogul was known as a wolf in the corporate world, always looking for ways to devour his competitors and crush their spirits. El magnate empresarial era conocido como un lobo en el mundo corporativo, siempre buscando formas de devorar a sus competidores y aplastar sus espíritus.