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    Resources Translator


Translation result
escribiendo escribir, redactar, escritura, redacción writing

writing sustantivo

1. The act of creating written works.

The novelist spent most of her day engaged in writing, pouring her heart and soul into the latest chapter of her novel. La novelista pasó la mayor parte del día ocupada en escribir, derramando su corazón y alma en el capítulo más reciente de su novela.

2. The work of a writer.

The author's most famous writing is her debut novel, which has sold millions of copies worldwide. La obra más famosa del autor es su novela de debut, que ha vendido millones de copias en todo el mundo.

3. (usually plural) the collected work of an author.

The literary critic spent years studying the writing of William Shakespeare, analyzing the themes and motifs that ran throughout his plays. El crítico literario pasó años estudiando la escritura de William Shakespeare, analizando los temas y motivos que corrían a lo largo de sus obras.

4. Letters or symbols that are written or imprinted on a surface to represent the sounds or words of a language.

The ancient civilization left behind a wealth of writing on stone tablets, revealing their language and culture to modern scholars. La antigua civilización dejó atrás una riqueza de escritura en tablas de piedra, revelando su lenguaje y cultura a los eruditos modernos.

5. The activity of putting something in written form.

The author's writing was meticulous, taking her hours to craft each sentence perfectly. La escritura del autor era minuciosa, le llevaba horas crear cada oración con precisión perfecta.