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yoga sustantivo

1. Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion.

The yoga master spent years studying the ancient texts and practicing the physical postures to attain a state of perfect spiritual insight. El maestro de yoga pasó años estudiando los textos antiguos y practicando las posturas físicas para alcanzar un estado de percepción espiritual perfecta.
In her quest for inner peace, she began attending yoga classes at the local studio, seeking to balance her busy life through the three paths of actions, knowledge, and devotion. Mientras buscaba la paz interior, comenzó a asistir a clases de yoga en el estudio local, buscando equilibrar su vida ocupada a través de los tres caminos de acción, conocimiento y devoción.

2. A system of exercises practiced as part of the hindu discipline to promote control of the body and mind.

The yoga studio in town offers various classes, from beginner's Hatha to advanced Vinyasa flow, aiming to help practitioners achieve physical and mental harmony. El estudio de yoga en el pueblo ofrece clases variadas, desde la Hatha para principiantes hasta la fluidez avanzada de Vinyasa, con el objetivo de ayudar a los practicantes a alcanzar armonía física y mental.
After months of practicing yoga, Sarah noticed significant improvements in her flexibility, balance, and overall well-being, which she credited to the discipline's ability to unite body and mind. Después de meses de practicar yoga, Sarah notó importantes mejoras en su flexibilidad, equilibrio y bienestar general, lo que atribuyó a la disciplina capacidad de unir cuerpo y mente.