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    Recursos Conjugador Seek
Con nuestra herramienta podrás conjugar verbos en inglés: sólo tienes que introducir un verbo en inglés y automáticamente obtendrás las tablas de conjugación de todos sus tiempos verbales.
Forma contracta
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To seek"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I seek.
You seek.
We seek.
He/She/It seeks.
You seek.
They seek.
I do not seek.
You do not seek.
We do not seek.
He/She/It does not seek.
You do not seek.
They do not seek.
Do I seek?
Do you seek?
Do we seek?
Does he/she/it seek?
Do you seek?
Do they seek?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am seeking.
You are seeking.
We are seeking.
He/She/It is seeking.
You are seeking.
They are seeking.
I am not seeking.
You are not seeking.
We are not seeking.
He/She/It is not seeking.
You are not seeking.
They are not seeking.
Am I seeking?
Are you seeking?
Are we seeking?
Is he/she/it seeking?
Are you seeking?
Are they seeking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I sought.
You sought.
We sought.
He/She/It sought.
You sought.
They sought.
I did not seek.
You did not seek.
We did not seek.
He/She/It did not seek.
You did not seek.
They did not seek.
Did I seek?
Did you seek?
Did we seek?
Did he/she/it seek?
Did you seek?
Did they seek?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was seeking.
You were seeking.
We were seeking.
He/She/It was seeking.
You were seeking.
They were seeking.
I was not seeking.
You were not seeking.
We were not seeking.
He/She/It was not seeking.
You were not seeking.
They were not seeking.
Was I seeking?
Were you seeking?
Were we seeking?
Was he/she/it seeking?
Were you seeking?
Were they seeking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will seek.
You will seek.
We will seek.
He/She/It will seek.
You will seek.
They will seek.
I will not seek.
You will not seek.
We will not seek.
He/She/It will not seek.
You will not seek.
They will not seek.
Will I seek?
Will you seek?
Will we seek?
Will he/she/it seek?
Will you seek?
Will they seek?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have sought.
You have sought.
We have sought.
He/She/It has sought.
You have sought.
They have sought.
I have not sought.
You have not sought.
We have not sought.
He/She/It has not sought.
You have not sought.
They have not sought.
Have I sought?
Have you sought?
Have we sought?
Has he/she/it sought?
Have you sought?
Have they sought?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been seeking.
You have been seeking.
We have been seeking.
He/She/It has been seeking.
You have been seeking.
They have been seeking.
I have not been seeking.
You have not been seeking.
We have not been seeking.
He/She/It has not been seeking.
You have not been seeking.
They have not been seeking.
Have I been seeking?
Have you been seeking?
Have we been seeking?
Has he/she/it been seeking?
Have you been seeking?
Have they been seeking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had sought.
You had sought.
We had sought.
He/She/It had sought.
You had sought.
They had sought.
I had not sought.
You had not sought.
We had not sought.
He/She/It had not sought.
You had not sought.
They had not sought.
Had I sought?
Had you sought?
Had we sought?
Had he/she/it sought?
Had you sought?
Had they sought?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been seeking.
You had been seeking.
We had been seeking.
He/She/It had been seeking.
You had been seeking.
They had been seeking.
I had not been seeking.
You had not been seeking.
We had not been seeking.
He/She/It had not been seeking.
You had not been seeking.
They had not been seeking.
Had I been seeking?
Had you been seeking?
Had we been seeking?
Had he/she/it been seeking?
Had you been seeking?
Had they been seeking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have sought.
You will have sought.
We will have sought.
He/She/It will have sought.
You will have sought.
They will have sought.
I will not have sought.
You will not have sought.
We will not have sought.
He/She/It will not have sought.
You will not have sought.
They will not have sought.
Will I have sought?
Will you have sought?
Will we have sought?
Will he/she/it have sought?
Will you have sought?
Will they have sought?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would seek.
You would seek.
We would seek.
He/She/It would seek.
You would seek.
They would seek.
I would not seek.
You would not seek.
We would not seek.
He/She/It would not seek.
You would not seek.
They would not seek.
Would I seek?
Would you seek?
Would we seek?
Would he/she/it seek?
Would you seek?
Would they seek?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have sought.
You would have sought.
We would have sought.
He/She/It would have sought.
You would have sought.
They would have sought.
I would not have sought.
You would not have sought.
We would not have sought.
He/She/It would not have sought.
You would not have sought.
They would not have sought.
Would I have sought?
Would you have sought?
Would we have sought?
Would he/she/it have sought?
Would you have sought?
Would they have sought?