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    Recursos Traductor

Has the mail gone out yet?

Resultado de la traducción
¿Ya salió el correo? Has the mail gone out yet?

mail noun

1. The bags of letters and packages that are transported by the postal service.

The mail truck arrived at the post office, filled to capacity with bundles of letters and packages. El camión de correos llegó al correo, lleno hasta el tope con paquetes y paños de cartas.

2. The system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office.

The company relies heavily on its mail network to communicate with clients and customers around the world. La empresa se apoya ampliamente en su red de correos para comunicarse con clientes y clientes en todo el mundo.

3. A conveyance that transports the letters and packages that are conveyed by the postal system.

The mail arrived late today, causing some packages to be delayed in delivery. Llegó el correo tarde hoy, lo que causó retrasos en la entrega de algunos paquetes.

4. Any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered.

The mail arrived late today, and I'm still waiting to receive my package from Amazon. Llegó el correo tarde hoy y estoy aún esperando recibir mi paquete de Amazon.

5. (middle ages) flexible armor made of interlinked metal rings.

The knight donned his mail armor, complete with articulated gauntlets and a helmet adorned with a crest, before charging into battle. El caballero se vistió de armadura de malla, completa con guantes articulados y un casco adornado con una cresta, antes de cargar en batalla.

yet adverbio

1. Up to the present time.

She has been working on her project for months, but she still hasn't finished it yet. Ella ha estado trabajando en su proyecto durante meses, pero todavía no lo ha terminado.

2. Used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the present time.

Despite her best efforts, she has not been able to find a job yet, but she remains optimistic about her chances. A pesar de sus mejores esfuerzos, aún no ha sido capaz de encontrar un trabajo, pero sigue siendo optimista sobre sus posibilidades.

3. To a greater degree or extent.

Despite being exhausted, she managed to finish her project yet more efficiently than expected. A pesar de estar exhausta, logró completar su proyecto con mayor eficiencia de lo esperado.

4. Within an indefinite time or at an unspecified future time.

We'll get to that project yet, we just need to wrap up this urgent task first. Haremos eso proyecto aún, solo necesitamos concluir esta tarea urgente primero.

5. Used after a superlative.

She is the smartest student in her class yet. Ella es la estudiante más inteligente de su clase hasta ahora.

6. Despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession).

Despite the rain, we're still going to the park yet; we can't let a little weather ruin our plans. A pesar de la lluvia, aún vamos al parque; no podemos dejar que un poco de tiempo malo arruine nuestros planes.