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I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.

Resultado de la traducción
Creo en Dios, sólo que lo escribo Naturaleza. I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.

believe verbo

1. Accept as true.

After conducting thorough research, she believes that climate change is real and requires immediate action. Después de realizar investigaciones exhaustivas, ella cree que el cambio climático es real y requiere acción inmediata.

2. Judge or regard.

Many art critics believe that the painter's latest work is a masterpiece, despite its unconventional style. Muchos críticos de arte creen que la última obra del pintor es una obra maestra, a pesar de su estilo inusual.

3. Be confident about something.

After researching the topic extensively, she believed that the new medicine was effective in treating her condition, and she felt relieved knowing it would help her recover. Después de investigar exhaustivamente el tema, creía que la nueva medicina era efectiva para tratar su condición y se sintió aliviada sabiendo que le ayudaría a recuperarse.

4. Follow a credo.

As a devout Christian, she believes in the teachings of her faith and lives according to its principles. Como cristiana devota, cree en los dogmas de su fe y vive según sus principios.

5. Credit with veracity.

The journalist believes the eyewitness account of the accident, and it's now being reported as fact in the news. El periodista cree la cuenta de testigo del accidente y ahora se está reportando como hecho en las noticias.


Pronombre Conjugación
I believe.
You believe.
He/She/It believes.
We believe.
You believe.
They believe.
Conjugación completa.

god sustantivo

1. The supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe.

In many religious traditions, God is believed to be an all-powerful and all-knowing deity who created the world and governs its destiny. En muchas tradiciones religiosas, Dios se cree que es un ser omnipotente y omnisciente que creó el mundo y gobierna su destino.

2. Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force.

In ancient Greek mythology, Zeus was considered the god of the sky and thunder, revered for his power to control the weather. En la mitología griega antigua, Zeus se consideraba el dios del cielo y el trueno, reverenciado por su poder para controlar el tiempo.

3. A man of such superior qualities that he seems like a deity to other people.

The rockstar was treated like a god by his fans, who adored him for his mesmerizing performances and captivating stage presence. El rockstar fue tratado como un dios por sus fanáticos, quienes lo adoraban por sus actuaciones hipnóticas y presencia en escena cautivadora.

4. A material effigy that is worshipped.

The ancient civilization believed that the intricately carved stone statue was the god of fertility, and they would offer sacrifices to it during harvest season. La civilización antigua creía que la estatua de piedra labrada con intrincadas detalles era el dios de la fertilidad, y ofrecían sacrificios a ella durante la temporada de cosecha.

only adverbio

1. And nothing more.

She only studied for two hours before the exam, but still managed to get an A+. Ella solo estudió durante dos horas antes del examen, pero aún logró obtener un sobresaliente.

2. Without any others being included or involved.

She only spoke French during our conversation, refusing to switch to English even when I struggled to understand her. Ella solo habló francés durante nuestra conversación, y se negó a cambiar a inglés aunque yo me esforcé por entenderla.

3. With nevertheless the final result.

Despite the team's slow start, they only managed to tie the game in the end, with a last-minute goal. A pesar del mal comienzo del equipo, solo lograron empatar el partido al final con un gol en el último minuto.

4. In the final outcome.

The team only managed to score one goal in the entire match, which wasn't enough to win. El equipo solo logró anotar un gol en todo el partido, lo que no fue suficiente para ganar.

5. Except that.

She only likes to read books on her commute, except that she's been listening to podcasts lately. Ella solo gusta leer libros en su hora de viaje, a excepción de que últimamente ha estado escuchando podcasts.

6. Never except when.

She only eats pizza on Friday nights, never except when she's traveling abroad and can't find a good pizzeria. Ella solo come pizza los viernes por la noche, nunca, excepto cuando está viajando en el extranjero y no encuentra una buena pizzería.

7. As recently as.

I've only just received my paycheck, so I haven't had a chance to buy groceries yet. Hoy acabo de recibir mi cheque, por lo que todavía no he tenido oportunidad para comprar provisiones.

spell verbo

1. Orally recite the letters of or give the spelling of.

The kindergarten teacher asked the children to spell their names aloud so she could write them on the attendance sheet. La maestra de kindergarten pidió a los niños que escribieran en voz alta sus nombres para poder anotarlos en la hoja de asistencia.

2. Indicate or signify.

The company's financial struggles will spell trouble for its investors if it doesn't receive an emergency loan. Las dificultades financieras de la empresa llevarán problemas a sus inversores si no recibe un préstamo de emergencia.

3. Write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word).

The teacher asked the student to spell the word "accommodation" correctly on the blackboard. El maestro pidió al estudiante que escribiera correctamente la palabra 'acomodación' en el pizarrón.

4. Relieve (someone) from work by taking a turn.

After working a 12-hour shift, John was finally able to spell his colleague Mike at the reception desk, allowing him to take a well-deserved break. Después de trabajar un turno de 12 horas, John fue finalmente capaz de relevar a su compañero Mike en la mesa de recepción, lo que le permitió tomar un descanso merecido.

5. Place under a spell.

The wicked witch decided to spell the entire kingdom into a deep sleep, hoping to take control of the land without opposition. La bruja malvada decidió encantarse al reino entero para hacer que todo el pueblo se durmiera profundamente, esperando así tomar el control del territorio sin oposición.

6. Take turns working.

The two friends decided to spell each other on the night shift, ensuring they both got some rest while still keeping an eye on the store. Los dos amigos decidieron turnarse en la noche para hacer guardia, asegurándose de que ambos descansaran un poco mientras seguían vigilando la tienda.


Pronombre Conjugación
I spell.
You spell.
He/She/It spells.
We spell.
You spell.
They spell.
Conjugación completa.

nature sustantivo

1. The essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized.

The artist's nature was reflected in her vibrant and expressive paintings, which captured the beauty of the human experience. La naturaleza del artista se reflejaba en sus pinturas vibrantes y expresivas, que capturaban la belleza de la experiencia humana.

2. A causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe.

The nature of the universe is governed by laws that scientists have yet to fully understand, but they continue to study the cosmos to uncover its secrets. La naturaleza del universo está gobernada por leyes que los científicos aún no han logrado comprender completamente, pero continúan estudiando el cosmos para descubrir sus secretos.

3. The natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc..

The hikers spent hours exploring the great outdoors, marveling at the beauty of nature that surrounded them in the mountains. Los excursionistas pasaron horas explorando el gran exterior, asombrados por la belleza de la naturaleza que los rodeaba en las montañas.

4. The complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions.

Her nature was to be fiercely independent, which often led her to take on too much responsibility and neglect her own needs. Su naturaleza era ser altamente independiente, lo que a menudo la llevaba a asumir demasiadas responsabilidades y descuidar sus propias necesidades.

5. A particular type of thing.

The nature of her artistic talent was evident in every brushstroke she made on the canvas. La naturaleza de su talento artístico era evidente en cada pincelada que hacía sobre el lienzo.