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    Recursos Traductor

In wildness is the preservation of the world.

Resultado de la traducción
En lo salvaje está la preservación del mundo. In wildness is the preservation of the world.

wildness noun

1. A feeling of extreme emotional intensity.

The wildness of his anger La locura de su ira

2. The property of being wild or turbulent.

The storm's violence La violencia de la tormenta

3. An unruly disposition to do as one pleases.

Liza had always had a tendency to wildness Liza siempre había tenido una tendencia al salvajismo

4. An intractably barbarous or uncultivated state of nature.

preservation noun

1. The activity of protecting something from loss or danger.

The national park service is dedicated to the preservation of endangered species and their habitats, ensuring their survival for future generations. El Servicio de Parques Nacionales se dedica a la preservación de especies en peligro de extinción y sus hábitats, asegurando su supervivencia para las generaciones futuras.

2. The condition of being (well or ill) preserved.

The museum's careful preservation techniques have allowed the ancient artifacts to remain in excellent condition, allowing visitors to appreciate their beauty and historical significance. Las técnicas de preservación cuidadosas del museo han permitido que los artefactos antiguos permanezcan en excelente condición, lo que permite a los visitantes apreciar su belleza y significado histórico.

3. A process that saves organic substances from decay.

The museum's conservation team worked tirelessly to ensure the preservation of the ancient artifacts, carefully cleaning and storing them in specialized containers to prevent decay. El equipo de conservación del museo trabajó incansablemente para garantizar la preservación de los artefactos antiguos, limpiándolos con cuidado y almacenándolos en contenedores especializados para prevenir la decadencia.

4. An occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change.

The preservation of the ancient forest was crucial in maintaining its natural habitat and biodiversity, ensuring that future generations could appreciate its beauty. La preservación del bosque antiguo fue crucial para mantener su hábitat natural y biodiversidad, garantizando que las futuras generaciones pudieran apreciar su belleza.

world noun

1. Everything that exists anywhere.

The world is a complex and interconnected system, with every event having a ripple effect on all aspects of existence. El mundo es un sistema complejo e interconectado, con cada evento teniendo un efecto de onda en todos los aspectos de la existencia.

2. People in general.

The world is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of recycling and reducing waste. El mundo está empezando a darse cuenta de la importancia de reciclar y reducir residuos.

3. All of your experiences that determine how things appear to you.

Through her struggles and triumphs, Sarah had formed her own world, one where she felt empowered and confident in her abilities. A través de sus luchas y triunfos, Sara había creado su propio mundo, uno en el que se sentía emprendedora y segura de sí misma en sus habilidades.

4. The 3rd planet from the sun.

The astronauts had traveled millions of miles through space before they finally landed on the world, feeling a sense of relief and wonder at their new surroundings. Los astronautas habían viajado millones de millas a través del espacio antes de que finalmente aterrizaran en el planeta, sintiendo un sentimiento de alivio y asombro por sus nuevos entornos.

5. People in general considered as a whole.

The world is facing a global crisis, and it's up to each individual to make a difference by reducing their carbon footprint. El mundo está enfrentando una crisis global y es responsabilidad de cada individuo hacer la diferencia al reducir su huella de carbono.

6. A part of the earth that can be considered separately.

The natural world is home to countless species of plants and animals, each with their unique characteristics. El mundo natural es el hogar de innumerables especies de plantas y animales, cada una con sus características únicas.

7. The concerns of this life as distinguished from heaven and the afterlife.

Despite her spiritual pursuits, she still had to navigate the world of corporate finance in order to support herself. A pesar de sus aspiraciones espirituales, todavía tuvo que navegar el mundo del finanzas corporativas para poder mantenerse económicamente a sí misma.

8. All of the living human inhabitants of the earth.

The world is facing an unprecedented crisis, and it's up to us to find a solution that benefits all humanity. El mundo se enfrenta a una crisis sin precedentes y es a nosotros para encontrar una solución que beneficie a toda la humanidad.