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Man is the artificer of his own happiness.

Resultado de la traducción
El hombre es el artífice de su propia felicidad. Man is the artificer of his own happiness.

man sustantivo

1. An adult person who is male (as opposed to a woman).

The man in the suit walked into the room, greeting everyone with a firm handshake. El hombre con traje entró en la habitación, saludando a todos con un apretón de mano firme.

2. Someone who serves in the armed forces.

The man stood proudly at attention during the military parade, his uniform gleaming with medals and ribbons. El hombre se paró con orgullo en posición de firmes durante la desfile militar, su uniforme brillando con medallas y cintas.

3. The generic use of the word to refer to any human being.

The man who walked into the coffee shop was struggling to make ends meet, but he always had a kind smile on his face. El hombre que entró en el café era difícil de mantenerse, pero siempre tenía una sonrisa amable en su rostro.

4. Any living or extinct member of the family hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage.

The museum displayed a fossilized man from the early Stone Age, showcasing the evolution of human species over millions of years. El museo exhibió un hombre fosilizado de la Edad del Hombre temprana, muestra el evolución de las especies humanas durante millones de años.

5. A male subordinate.

The CEO addressed his team of men, including the man who had been working on the project for months. El CEO se dirigió a su equipo de hombres, incluyendo al hombre que había estado trabajando en el proyecto durante meses.

6. An adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent).

The brave firefighter was hailed as a true man after he rescued a family from a burning building, earning him the respect of his colleagues. El valiente bombero fue aclamado como un verdadero hombre después de que rescató a una familia de un edificio en llamas, lo que le granjeó el respeto de sus compañeros.

7. A manservant who acts as a personal attendant to his employer.

The wealthy businessman was accustomed to having his loyal man, James, by his side at all times, ensuring that every need was met and every whim was catered to. El empresario acaudalado estaba acostumbrado a tener su leal hombre, James, siempre al lado, asegurándose de que todas sus necesidades fueran satisfechas y todos sus caprichos fueran atendidos.

8. A male person who plays a significant role (husband or lover or boyfriend) in the life of a particular woman.

As she walked down the aisle, her eyes locked onto her man's smiling face, filled with love and adoration for her. Mientras caminaba por el pasillo, sus ojos se fijaron en la sonriente cara de su hombre, llena de amor y adoración hacia ella.

9. One of the british isles in the irish sea.

The Isle of Man is a popular destination for cyclists, with its scenic routes and challenging hills. La Isla de Man es un destino popular para ciclistas, con sus rutas paisajistas y colinas desafiantes.

10. Game equipment consisting of an object used in playing certain board games.

The Monopoly man was passed from player to player, with each person trying to acquire properties and accumulate wealth. El hombre de la Monopolía fue pasado de jugador a jugador, con cada persona intentando adquirir propiedades y acumular riqueza.

11. All of the living human inhabitants of the earth.

The United Nations estimates that there are over 7.9 billion men on Earth, highlighting the importance of sustainable development for all. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas estima que hay más de 7,9 mil millones de hombres en la Tierra, lo que destaca la importancia del desarrollo sostenible para todos.

artificer sustantivo

1. Someone who is the first to think of or make something.

2. A skilled worker who practices some trade or handicraft.

3. An enlisted man responsible for the upkeep of small arms and machine guns etc..

own adjetivo

1. Belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself).

She is writing her own book, which is a collection of short stories that reflect her life experiences. Ella está escribiendo su propio libro, que es una colección de relatos cortos que reflejan sus experiencias de vida.
He decided to take his own path and pursue a career in music instead of following in his father's footsteps. Decidi seguir su propio camino y perseguir una carrera en música en lugar de seguir los pasos de su padre.
As the owner of her own business, she was responsible for making tough decisions about the company's future. Como dueña de su propia empresa, era responsable de tomar decisiones difíciles sobre el futuro de la empresa.

happiness sustantivo

1. State of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

The newlywed couple radiated happiness on their first dance at the reception, surrounded by loved ones and the promise of a bright future together. El recién casado emitió felicidad en su primera danza en la recepción, rodeados de seres queridos y la promesa de un futuro brillante juntos.
After months of struggling with anxiety, Sarah finally found happiness in her daily yoga practice, which brought her a sense of calm and inner peace. Después de meses de luchar con el estrés por la ansiedad, Sarah finalmente encontró felicidad en su práctica diaria de yoga, lo que le brindó un sentimiento de calma y paz interior.

2. Emotions experienced when in a state of well-being.

The warm sunshine and cool breeze filled me with feelings of happiness as I sat on the beach, watching the waves roll in. El sol cálido y el viento fresco me llenaron de sentimientos de felicidad mientras me sentaba en la playa, viendo las olas que se aproximaban.
After finally achieving her lifelong goal, she felt an overwhelming sense of happiness wash over her, accompanied by tears of joy. Después de lograr finalmente su objetivo vital, sintió un sentido inmenso de felicidad inundarla, acompañado de lágrimas de alegría.