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What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it.

Resultado de la traducción
Lo que la naturaleza nos entrega nunca es obsoleto, porque lo que la naturaleza crea contiene eternidad. What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it.

nature noun

1. The essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized.

The artist's nature was reflected in her vibrant and expressive paintings, which captured the beauty of the human experience. La naturaleza del artista se reflejaba en sus pinturas vibrantes y expresivas, que capturaban la belleza de la experiencia humana.

2. A causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe.

The nature of the universe is governed by laws that scientists have yet to fully understand, but they continue to study the cosmos to uncover its secrets. La naturaleza del universo está gobernada por leyes que los científicos aún no han logrado comprender completamente, pero continúan estudiando el cosmos para descubrir sus secretos.

3. The natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc..

The hikers spent hours exploring the great outdoors, marveling at the beauty of nature that surrounded them in the mountains. Los excursionistas pasaron horas explorando el gran exterior, asombrados por la belleza de la naturaleza que los rodeaba en las montañas.

4. The complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions.

Her nature was to be fiercely independent, which often led her to take on too much responsibility and neglect her own needs. Su naturaleza era ser altamente independiente, lo que a menudo la llevaba a asumir demasiadas responsabilidades y descuidar sus propias necesidades.

5. A particular type of thing.

The nature of her artistic talent was evident in every brushstroke she made on the canvas. La naturaleza de su talento artístico era evidente en cada pincelada que hacía sobre el lienzo.

never adverb

1. Not ever.

She has never traveled abroad, so she's always been fascinated by stories of far-off lands. Ella nunca ha viajado por fuera del país, así que siempre se ha fascinado con historias de tierras lejanas.
He will never forget the day he met his best friend in kindergarten, and their lifelong bond began. Él nunca olvidará el día en que conoció a su mejor amigo en la guardería y comenzó un vínculo que duraría toda la vida.

2. Not at all.

She never fails to surprise me with her thoughtful gifts, which always bring a smile to my face. Ella nunca falla en sorprenderme con sus regalos pensativos, que siempre traen una sonrisa a mi rostro.
He never attended school without eating his favorite breakfast cereal, which gave him the energy to tackle the day. Él nunca asistió a la escuela sin comer su cereales de desayuno favorito, lo que le daba el energía para abordar el día.

stale adjetivo

1. Lacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age.

Stale bread Pan duro

2. Lacking originality or spontaneity.

No longer new Ya no es nuevo

nature noun

1. The essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized.

The artist's nature was reflected in her vibrant and expressive paintings, which captured the beauty of the human experience. La naturaleza del artista se reflejaba en sus pinturas vibrantes y expresivas, que capturaban la belleza de la experiencia humana.

2. A causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe.

The nature of the universe is governed by laws that scientists have yet to fully understand, but they continue to study the cosmos to uncover its secrets. La naturaleza del universo está gobernada por leyes que los científicos aún no han logrado comprender completamente, pero continúan estudiando el cosmos para descubrir sus secretos.

3. The natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc..

The hikers spent hours exploring the great outdoors, marveling at the beauty of nature that surrounded them in the mountains. Los excursionistas pasaron horas explorando el gran exterior, asombrados por la belleza de la naturaleza que los rodeaba en las montañas.

4. The complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions.

Her nature was to be fiercely independent, which often led her to take on too much responsibility and neglect her own needs. Su naturaleza era ser altamente independiente, lo que a menudo la llevaba a asumir demasiadas responsabilidades y descuidar sus propias necesidades.

5. A particular type of thing.

The nature of her artistic talent was evident in every brushstroke she made on the canvas. La naturaleza de su talento artístico era evidente en cada pincelada que hacía sobre el lienzo.

eternity sustantivo

1. Time without end.

2. A state of eternal existence believed in some religions to characterize the afterlife.

3. A seemingly endless time interval (waiting).