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bow tie

Resultado de la traducción
corbata de moño bow tie

bow sustantivo

1. A knot with two loops and loose ends.

The sailor expertly tied a bow to secure the rope to the dock, ensuring it wouldn't come undone in the rough waters. El marinero ató con habilidad una punta para asegurar el cable al muelle, garantizando que no se deshacería en las aguas bravías.

2. A slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands.

The violinist carefully held the bow in her hand, preparing for the next note in the complex melody. La violinista sostuvo con cuidado el arco en su mano, preparándose para la próxima nota en la melodía compleja.

3. Front part of a vessel or aircraft.

As the majestic ship glided across the harbor, its bow sliced through the calm waters, leaving a trail of ripples in its wake. Mientras el majestuoso barco navegaba por el puerto, su proa cortaba con suavidad las aguas calmas, dejando un rastro de ondas en su estela.

4. A weapon for shooting arrows, composed of a curved piece of resilient wood with a taut cord to propel the arrow.

The archer carefully drew back the string of her bow, taking aim at the target in the distance. La arquera tiró cuidadosamente la cuerda de su arco, dirigiendo su mira al blanco a lo lejos.

5. Something curved in shape.

The archer carefully notched an arrow into the bow's curve, preparing for the shot. El arquero cuidadosamente notchó una flecha en la curva del arco, preparándose para el disparo.

6. Bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting.

The worshipper made a low bow before the altar, hands clasped together in respect and devotion. El adorador hizo una reverencia baja ante el altar, manos juntas en respeto y devoción.

7. An appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audience.

The entire cast took their final bow after the standing ovation, waving and smiling at the enthusiastic crowd. El elenco completo tomó su última reverencia después de la aplausiva ovación, ondeando y sonriendo a la multitud entusiasta.

8. A decorative interlacing of ribbons.

The bride's hairdo featured a stunning bow made from delicate silk ribbons, adding a touch of elegance to her overall look. El peinado de la novia destacaba por un precioso lazo hecho con delicados ribetes de seda, que le añadía un toque de elegancia a su aspecto general.

9. A stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments.

The violinist held her bow firmly between her fingers and drew it across the strings to produce a rich, resonant sound. La violinista sostuvo su arco firmemente entre sus dedos y lo hizo cruzar sobre las cuerdas para producir un sonido rico y resonante.

tie sustantivo

1. Neckwear consisting of a long narrow piece of material worn (mostly by men) under a collar and tied in knot at the front.

The businessman carefully adjusted his tie before heading into the meeting, making sure it was perfectly knotted. El empresario ajustó con cuidado su corbata antes de dirigirse a la reunión, asegurándose de que estuviera perfectamente atada.

2. A social or business relationship.

The CEO's tie to the company's founding family was still strong, despite the recent changes in management. La conexión del CEO con la familia fundadora de la empresa seguía siendo fuerte, a pesar de los recientes cambios en la dirección.

3. Equality of score in a contest.

The game ended in a tie, with both teams scoring 3-3, forcing overtime to decide the winner. El juego terminó en empate, con ambos equipos anotando 3-3, lo que obligó al tiempo extra para decidir al ganador.

4. A horizontal beam used to prevent two other structural members from spreading apart or separating.

The engineer carefully inspected the tie connecting the two pillars of the bridge, ensuring that it was securely fastened to withstand heavy loads. El ingeniero inspeccionó con cuidado la tiesa que conectaba los dos pilares del puente, asegurándose de que estuviera bien atornillada para resistir cargas pesadas.

5. A fastener that serves to join or connect.

The sailor used a tie to secure the rope to the buoy, ensuring it wouldn't drift away in the current. El marinero utilizó un lazo para asegurar el cabo al flotador, garantizando que no se alejaría con la corriente.

6. The finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided.

The baseball game went into extra innings, but ultimately ended in a tie after 12 scoreless frames, forcing a rematch the following day. El partido de béisbol se prolongó en innings extras, pero finalmente terminó en empate después de 12 entradas sin anotación, lo que obligó a un replay al día siguiente.

7. (music) a slur over two notes of the same pitch.

The violinist expertly executed a tie between the two E notes in the melody, creating a smooth and flowing effect. El violinista ejecutó con habilidad un lazo entre las dos notas de Si en la melodía, creando un efecto suave y fluido.

8. One of the cross braces that support the rails on a railway track.

The engineer carefully inspected the tie spacing on the new railway track, ensuring it met the safety standards for high-speed trains. El ingeniero inspeccionó con cuidado el espaciamiento de las traviesas en la nueva vía férrea, garantizando que cumpliera con los estándares de seguridad para trenes de alta velocidad.

9. A cord (or string or ribbon or wire etc.) with which something is tied.

The sailor carefully wrapped the tie around the anchor rope to secure it to the dock. El marinero envolvió cuidadosamente el lazo alrededor del cable de ancla para asegurarlo al muelle.